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Abroad Stories: Marisa Rubino in New Zealand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Studying abroad and traveling the world is one of the greatest experiences college has to offer. Seeing the world in a new way and experiencing new cultures is something that every college student should experience, especially at Saint Mike’s. Her Campus was lucky enough to sit down with Marisa Rubino to hear about her experience.


YOG: 2018

Major: Biology with a minor in Psychology

HC: Where did you decide to study abroad?

MR: Wellington, New Zealand at Victoria University


HC: What made you decide to study in New Zealand?

MR:  I chose to go to New Zealand because it is known for its beautiful landscapes and laid back lifestyle. Also, the sheep to person ratio is 5:1 which is pretty awesome. It has been ranked one of the safest countries in the world and it’s really easy to get around, which was comforting when choosing a location.


HC: What is the best story you have from studying abroad?

MR:  I was on a road trip with some friends and we were trying to go to this big rock shaped like an elephant. We drove all the way there to find out you can only get to the rock during low tide, and it was well into high tide when we were there. We decided to try and walk up this hill to see the elephant rock. We ended up on a random sheep farm with these super cool cliffs. We didn’t end up seeing the elephant rock, but we sat on the cliffs and watched the sunset with all the sheep, it was really beautiful.


HC: What was your favorite food when you were abroad?

MR: Favorite food abroad is definitely Tim tams!

HC: Why should people study abroad?

MR: I think people should go abroad because it’s a great way to experience a new culture and get to know people from around the world! It’s really interesting being an international student because you get to meet people from all over, not just the country you’re studying in.


HC: Do you have any advice for people on going abroad?

MR: The best advice I have is don’t be afraid to talk to people! Ask people to go on trips or grab coffee; it’s a great way to meet new people and it’s always good to find a travel buddy. Everyone abroad is feeling the same way you are, so don’t freak out at first. You’ll be settled and never wanting to leave in no time! Don’t spend the money on fancy hotels, air bnb and hostels are a great inexpensive way to travel and also another way to meet even more people from all around! Most of the time hostels offer discounted day trips or local activities too!


CC for HC SMCVT. Massachusetts girl, who somehow ended up in Northern Vermont. Senior at Saint Michel's College studying Media, Journalism & Digital Arts. Interests include: running, Bridesmaids, bagels, the color navy and guacamole. Firm believer that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.