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12 Pieces of Advice for College Freshmen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Growing up I was always told that mistakes were not a bad thing. They were experiences that provided distinct and important lessons that would guide me the rest of my life. My own mistakes and pieces of advice I was given from others helps me navigate through everything else I encounter. There are certain things in my own life that have made me look at the world in a different light. However, I have been thinking about how so many people have such different bits of advice to give and how those pieces of advice stem from such different experiences. I asked a group of people from different colleges and universities what the best advice they could give or have received that has guided them through their freshman year of college and their life.


1. “Some friends can be like black holes. They’re up to no good and will suck you right into the trouble with them. If you stay on the edge it’s okay to be friends with them but once they start to pull you in you need to get out. You cannot be everyone’s hero, it is impossible to save everyone because some people don’t want to be saved.” -Jake, SMCVT


2. “Find your joy”. -Emma, Umass Amherst

3. “You’ll meet people and don’t be fooled by your first impression, so take the time to get to know people and realize you don’t know their history.” -Kristin, Elon


4. “It is what it is. Don’t stress yourself out about the things you can’t control.” -Annie, SMCVT




5. “Don’t let other people bring bullshit into your life and don’t put out any bullshit or else you’ll find yourself surrounded by people you don’t actually like or get along with.” – Elena, Northeastern University


6. “Don’t let boys (or girls) define you.” -Shannon, SMC



7. “Don’t be afraid to meet new people especially when you start school because everyone is starting out new.” -Austin, Ohio State University


8. “Never expect anything to be given to you, work for it and earn it on your own.” -Brandon, Bentley University


9. “Be comfortable with being uncomfortable”. -Colin, NYU

10. “The sun gets up every single day, no matter what the weather is and you will too. Life goes on.” -Neva, SMC


11. “Don’t think about surviving, think about living, it’ll get you just as far and it’s much more fun to look back on.” -Eliza, Bridgewater State University


12. “If you don’t want to go out, don’t. Say yes to new things. Save your money so you can buy the more special things. Take care of yourself, and take care of the people around you. Raise your hand in class. Say hi to people on your floor. Find a great chinese restaurant. Find your nearest thrift store so that you can spend less on themed parties. go to themed parties. Find a great study spot. Connect with one of your professors. Be kind to everyone. Hold doors for people. Dance with strangers. Share your uber. If you find yourself friends with a mean girl, stop spending time with her, you will never find your true self if you keep bad company. Love yourself. Pick and choose your pizza days. Keep your room clean. Take walks. And go to class.” -Callan, UD