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Mastering a Chic and Comfy Airplane Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

Every time I start thinking about my coming semester abroad, a list of things to be stressed about unrolls in my mind: will I make friends? Will I be able to adjust to being so far from my family? Will I enjoy living in a place where the sun sets at 3:30pm? Will I be okay traveling alone? Will I be able to pack everything I need in one, wimpy suitcase? What will I wear on the plane – oh my God, what will I wear on the plane?

Okay, so, of all the things to be stressed out about when it comes to moving to a different continent for 6 months, what I’m going to wear for the flight doesn’t necessarily seem like the most pressing matter – but it’s something that’s been on my mind for a long time now; there’s a lot riding on those seven hours between New York City and Edinburgh for me. I’m someone who is easily stressed, anxious, and shaken, so making myself as comfortable as possible is, and should be, a priority.

In general, I like looking fashionable, and I don’t have any reservations about admitting that. Plus, for many students going abroad next semester, the flight to their host country may be the first impression they make on many of the people they’ll be spending the upcoming semester with. And, it’s likely that you’ll be stuck in that outfit for a few hours once you land. It’s kind of a big deal, and it’s more than kind of okay to be worried about what to wear.

But, the line between comfort and fashion doesn’t have to be hard to walk, especially with the recent rise of athleisure wear in high fashion. It’s never been more fashionable to look comfortable than it is right now. Capitalizing on that, my travel outfit checklist looks a little like this:

1.     Shoes that are easy to take on and off, to make security as painless as humanly possible.  This is not the time for heels or over the knee boots.

2.     Leggings or a dress; you’ll never catch me sitting in jeans for 8+ hours, sorry.

3.     Layers, because you never know what the temperature will be on a plane – or where you’re going.

4.     Comfortable and cute, basically. The constant stuggle.

So, I’ve spent my time, instead of writing papers and studying for finals, putting together a few cute, comfy outfits to wear on a long-haul flight to Scotland. Check them out for a little inspiration – whether you’re travelling abroad, home for the holidays, off on some cool vacation, or just sitting in your bedroom listening to music, watching Lilo and Stitch, and pretending you’re in Hawaii.  



Gwen is a senior, English major, and co-CC of Her Campus Skidmore. She spends a lot of time watching Pretty Little Liars and Fixer Upper, listening to music, staring at her comptuer screen and wishing words would come easier, and waiting for the New York Islanders to win another Stanley Cup (preferably at the Coli). Also, she really likes cheese and is trying to learn to skateboard. It's not going very well.
A senior at Skidmore College, who loves beagles, batman, and sushi. You can find me dreaming about Anderson Cooper and doing crossword puzzles.