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25 Things We’ve Learned at Skidmore

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

No two Skiddies are the same. When we arrived on campus our freshman year, we all wanted to learn different things, things that mattered to us: some were interested in Eastern religions, others in gender bias, others in Foucault, and still others in biochemistry (those brave, brave souls).

While we’ve all developed our own unique sets of scholarly knowledge along the way, we’ve also picked up tidbits here and there that have nothing to do with our studies: how to survive in a forced triple, how to stand out from the crowd on Fun Day, and how to find free food on campus when our wallets are feeling light. We asked upperclassmen to share what they’ve learned at Skidmore over the years, and the answers don’t disappoint. Check out what they had to say:

“While at Skidmore I’ve learned that sometimes friendships and happiness are more important than romantic/sexual relationships.” – Anonymous, 2014

“Friendcest: Don’t do it.” – Anonymous, 2014

“I’ve learned what seasonal depression means.” – Anonymous, 2014

“There is often a cost to the commitments we make. We can’t ‘have it all,’ but this makes what we do have more value. Basically, opportunity cost (economics).” – Anonymous

“Something I have learned at Skidmore is that what I have to say is worth hearing. I have opinions worth sharing and people don’t judge you for what you have to say.” – Anonymous

“Procrastination is never worth it!” – Anonymous

“How to appreciate who I am and what I have to offer.” – Anonymous

“I’ve learned that alcohol tolerance is not a myth.” – Brianna Wellen, 2014

“Take risks! You’ll rarely regret it!” – Anonymous

“Consistent casual hook-ups are not a thing… Never ends well.” – Anonymous, 2014

“Self-awareness, empathy, how to deal with annoying people, how to roll a *****, ceramics.” – Anonymous, 2014

“Never assume that ‘spring semester’ means it will actually feel like spring. Always pack gloves—take it from someone who got minor frostbite while shoveling out her car.” – Kate Moriarty, 2014

“Issues of race, gender, and class affect all academic disciplines and everyday life in general.” – Anonymous

“Get involved and you’ll make a ton of friends! Join clubs and just have FUN! It goes by quicker than you would think!” – May-Lin McEvoy, 2015

“Never assume he wants to date you. Until he says he does, he doesn’t.” – Anonymous, 2014

“One can never own enough pairs of ripped up black tights. Until, of course, one gets ****ing sick of seeing them everywhere and never wants to wear them again. Cue graduation.” – Anonymous, 2014

“I learned about what it means to be a student of color. Skidmore provided an environment that is not necessarily diverse, which made me question my race. I realized that race discrimination is still a real issue in the world.” – Anonymous

“Real relationships do exist—you just won’t find them downtown.” – Anonymous, 2014

“I learned how nice it is to find a community on campus and eventually how to lead others with respect and integrity.” – Anonymous

“I learned how to rally.” – Camille Yongue, 2014

“How to be a leader and a feminist.” – Anonymous, 2014

“At Skidmore I learned that it doesn’t matter how many friends you are, it’s how good of friends they are. Quality not quantity!” – 2014

“Don’t focus on boys!” – Anonymous

“How to be independent in a sea of people.” – Anonymous, 2014

“How to suck up to people.” – Brianna Wellen, 2014


What have YOU learned at Skidmore? Do you agree with these lessons? Tell us in the comments!

Kate is the Associate Editor of Her Campus. Before joining the staff full-time, Kate was the Campus Correspondent for the HC Skidmore College chapter as well as an editorial intern, Love editor, and national contributing writer for HC. In addition to her work with Her Campus, Kate has been a Sex & Love stringer and digital editorial intern for WomensHealthMag.com and an Inner Circle Trendspotter for MTV. Kate graduated from Skidmore College summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a Bachelor of Arts in English and French. In her spare time, Kate is usually spotted writing fiction, playing tennis, reading pop culture blogs until her eyes hurt, baking cookies, or dreaming up her next travel adventure.