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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

Leaving behind high school and everything you’ve known for eighteen years of your life is extremely hard. Starting college can be a challenging experience, so what’s next? Welp, this is your new chapter and provided here are a list of ways to make it an exciting and successful chapter!

1. Understand, This is NOT High School.

College is a lot different from high school. Mom and Dad are not going to be there to push you to go to class. You will not have professors to hold your hand throughout the semester. You will not receive a progress report to tell you whether you are passing or failing. Therefore, it is up to you go to each class, use the office hours and keep up with your grades. It may be a drag but it will be worth it at the end.  

It’s also important to use your resources! There are so many on campus that will help you succeed. For example, the library! OMG! Yeah, they exist. Meet up with a tutor for courses that you are having a hard time with, speak with your advisor to keep track of a course, and if you are stressed and feeling under, they are on-campus counselors to help you. Remember you have already paid for these resources so use them!

2. Live on Campus

Living on campus freshman year makes life easier. You will have a meal plan so you do not go hungry. You have access to amenities such as the gym, game rooms, free Wi-Fi and cable. You also have fewer things to worry about like getting to your 8AM class on time.  Another perk of living on campus is that it helps you connect to more students who are also living on campus!  

3. Get involved

Being a freshman is hard because you are new and can feel out of place. One solution is to get involved. The best way to meet new people is joining clubs, and getting involved on campus. Join clubs that have to do with your major to get a head start on your future and network is always an option. Currently, San Jose State University has 394 student organizations. I am certain that you can find one to join! So go out there and get involved!!

4. Create a Vision Board

Vision boards are the best way to visualize your goals, wants, and needs. It’s kind of a homemade Pinterest. It is a great way for you to express yourself. Having things such as your semester goals, traveling wishes and fitness goals on a vision board motivates you more because you see it every day which keeps you focused.

5. Be yourself

Last major key is to be yourself. People want to get to know the real you so give them that! It is better to be yourself than uncomfortable trying to be someone else. You were put into this world for a purpose so live out that purpose.

Shellise West is the current campus correspondent at San Jose State University. Majoring in journalism with a minor in radio, television and film she plans to not fall short of fulfilling her dream as a sports reporter. A Bay Area native her hobbies include singing, dancing and listening to music. Follow Shellise on Twitter @SoulfulPenned.