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Coffee: The Elixir of Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

This morning I realized that I was in love. This is something I have never experienced before, but these things I hear from people when they describe love—I feel it.

He motivates me to be better, his presence gives me the energy to seize the day, and his warm embrace is unlike any other. I want to see the world with him. I literally want to be with him every second of the day. The mere thought of life without him scares me to no end. Oh… and don’t even get me started on his heavenly smell…UGH! 

Alright, alright. Before this starts to sound like a mixture of Nicholas Sparks and an erotic novel, I should acknowledge that this love I am speaking of is, indeed, my love for coffee

This magical bean is the answer to everything. Have a bad hangover? Coffee will do the trick. Want to get to know someone? Ask them out for a cup of coffee. Have a ten page paper due tomorrow that you haven’t even started? Well, you better have an IV drip of Americano available to you. 

I truly believe coffee is the glue that holds this world together—along with many other things, of course. 

That being said, everyone should drink it and here’s why:


1.) The effects of coffee were first noticed when Ethiopian shepherds saw their goats prancing around after eating coffee berries. Not necessarily a reason why you should drink coffee, but adorable.


2.) Energy. Caffeine is in coffee. Caffeine gives you energy. Energy is really important.


3.) It makes you smarter. There are active ingredients in coffee that are linked to improving performance, memory, and it makes you a better decision maker all around.


4.) It is delicious. There is no such thing as a bad cup of coffee. Except for those who don’t like the taste in general. That’s why there are like six million different creamer flavors available. Yes, you can buy pumpkin spice creamers all year around.


5.) Two words: BIKINI BODY. Coffee can help you burn fat and improves physical performance. Due to the stimulant effect on the nervous system, coffee acts as a metabolism booster. And drinking coffee before working out may give you the energy to run that extra mile. Just be careful about excess cream and sugar.


6.)Research shows that drinking coffee may decrease your risk of diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimers by up to 60%. Coffee may actually be the healthiest drink in the world.


7.) Coffee improves your mood drastically by just smelling it and those who drink coffee have a lower risk of depression. WebMD researchers showed that women who drank two to three cups of coffee a day had a 15% lower risk and those who consumed more had a 20% lower risk.