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Thoughts College Students Have When It Rains

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

During the months of March and early April here at Sewanee, we have experienced just about every type of inclement weather: severe thunderstorms, snow, freeze warning, tornados, fog, even hail! It’s officially spring here on the Mountain, and that means, you can never predict what type of weather will come rolling through.

For me, I get so excited when I hear that a storm is coming (way more excited than what’s considered normal). I love listening to the sound of rain hit the ground and the sound of thunder clap through the sky. #relatable anyone??

Also side note, I think High School Musical 3 and the Notebook sets some high expectations when it comes to rain. If this has happened to you, I’m jealous. Me? maybe someday *wink wink*



Here are the different phases, moods and thoughts that goes through my mind when it rains:


  • Hearing that there’s a storm coming

“Oh my goodness is it going to rain?! I am SO EXCITED!” When the sky turns dark and the air is humid, you know it’s here.


  • Listening to the sound of rain

“Oooohhhh ahhhhhh nature is beautiful” Listening to the rain fall while laying in bed is one of my favorite simple pleasures in life. One time, my friend and I purposely went on a hike in the rain and embraced the rainstorm when we reached the overlook. @ my fellow Sewanee students, I highly recommend it (Piney Point).


  • Then realizing you have something important that involves leaving your room

“Oh no I have to walk all the way across campus. I am not mentally prepared for this” To those that live out in Quintard/Gorgas/Hodgson/Phillips, major props to you YGG


  • Figuring out what to wear

“What do I even wear?! Anything I put on will get wet anyways. What if I went nude?” By now, I have a specific outfit I wear whenever it rains (anybody else?)


  • Putting on your rain gear

“Green rain boots definitely do not go well with this outfit” *Straps on bean boots, ready to take on the world*


  • Dragging your butt to the door

“How much longer can I stay inside? Maybe if I wait, the storm will pass” If it’s raining when I wake up, you bet I’m that person who waits until the absolute last minute to get out of bed.


  • Walking (more like running) through the rain and getting soaked

“It is too wet, I don’t like this at all” Unless it’s like my turn to have my Troy and Gabriella moment ;) 


  • Making it indoors

“Finally a roof over my head! #blessed” That feeling you get when you go home at the end of the day and change into dry comfy clothes, you know what I’m talking about!!


  • Realizing your hair and makeup is a mess

“I shouldn’t have even tried to look decent today. Oh well” *shrugs*


There’s a quote I love that says: “when you’re young, thunderstorms seem scary. Like the sky is angry at you. But now that I’m older, something about its roar soothes me; it’s comforting to know that even nature needs to scream sometimes.”


Stay fabulous! Xoxo

Displaced New Englander who loves the outdoors, sweet tea, sunsets, dogs and the beach.