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Eleven Best Times To Say “Bye Felicia”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

1.      When loud talkers on the second floor of DuPont are leaving for Clurg.

2.      When your Ex is drunk and trying to hit on you.

3.      When someone tries to tell you you’re too drunk when you’re not.

4.      When your booty-call won’t look at you in Clurg, then texts you at 2 am.

5.      When someone judges you for drinking wine on a school night.

6.      When someone sneezes near you.

7.      When Bacchus blatantly drives past you.

8.  When the pub won’t serve you breakfast because it’s 10:28 and not 10:30

9.   When the McClurg workers don’t even know what they’re serving.

10.  When your friend says she doesn’t have work this week.

11.  When you walk out of your last final before Winter Break.