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Why you should always be a Bad B

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

Ladies, we all have that over sized gold hooped, body con dressed, stiletto wearing firecracker within us…it’s just a scientific fact. The confident bad b*tch who’s only fear is not being the fiercest female in the room (which is basically impossible). The only issue that us mighty fine felines have, is letting that girl shine through. I mean, who else is gonna stomp all over that other girl who thinks she hotter than the next? It’s time to put that h*e in her place!!! The steps are really quite simple. All it involves is believing with both your mind and heart that you are the stone cold fox. God put on this Earth to slay all the f boys in the land. So remember ladies, confidence is key and if you have that, you can never lose.