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Easy Tips and Tricks You Can Do To Help the Environment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

Welcome all Earth lovers! In honor of the upcoming Earth day on Sunday, April 22nd, here are some simple reminders of how you can modify your habits to be a part of the green movement. 

1.     Always recycle! Recycling is something that is so simple and takes no time out of our day. Glass especially is something that could take years to decompose. It is something so easy for us, and it really helps the environment.

2.     Hand-in-hand with recycling, ditch the plastic bottles by using a reusable water bottle.

3.     Save water by taking shorter showers, check your faucets for leaks, and turn off the water while brushing your teeth.

4.     Turn off the lights when you’re not in the room. This will save you money and energy!

5.     Walk, bike, or use public transportation. Carbon monoxide is very bad for the environment so anyway you could decrease the output of it in your life, makes a huge difference. Carpooling helps too.

6.     Making it a habit to bring own bags to the grocery store can make a huge difference in the long run.

7.     Share this list with your friends! Spreading the word is the most effective way to make a change!

Saving the whole planet sounds like a huge task, because it is… However, if we all do a little that can help a lot. Let’s make a conscious change for the good of our future and reverse the abuse us humans have inflicted on our home. Happy Earth week everyone!