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Seattle University on a Sunny Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

After months of rain and cloudy skies, the sun has finally started to shine in Seattle. Given that this is a new and much-needed experience for most students at Seattle U, we tend to want to take full advantage of the recent warm weather. Like worms in the rain, students start popping up all over campus, basking in whatever sunshine they can find. Our behaviors during a sunny day are predictable.


Shorts are immediately broken out and worn with pride by everyone on campus.

People flock to the library hill to study, eat lunch, and generally refuel their solar energy after the long winter.

Logan Field turns into a tanning area, dominated by people stretched out in bikinis on towels for hours at a time.

Twitter and Instagram become overrun with pictures commemorating the weather. Surprisingly enough, no one wants to tell the Seattle University student population that everyone else can see the sun that we’re so proudly documenting.

There’s always someone in every class that asks to move the class outside. This is met with one of two responses: either the professor agrees and nothing gets done, or the professor launches into a lecture on why class outside is a bad idea. Either way, nothing gets done.

Everyone makes the obligatory, “I can’t believe it’s so nice out!” comment in conversation at least once during the day.

Someone always gets sunburnt, either because they took tanning a little too far or because their delicate Seattle skin simply couldn’t handle the sun.

Here’s hoping for more warm weather in the near future!

Just another college student trying to have it all, including style and comfort; follow my personal struggles with fashion, finances, and the future at www.thehannahgold.com