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Tenzin Gyasto: From A to Z on the History of the Dali Lama

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SDSU chapter.

The Dalai Lama is comin’ to town!
His holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, born as Tenzin Gyasto, is scheduled to grace SDSU with a visit. I personally am ecstatic about this rare opportunity, but after asking around, I realized that many people are clueless about the Tibetan spiritual leader, even mixing him up with the overly operated country star, Dolly Parton.
I was shocked when many of my friends simply shrugged at the idea of attending his lecture, not willing to make time in their hectic college lives for an afternoon of enlightenment. I soon became aware that astounding number of students have little to no knowledge about the Dalai Lama. I decided to take this opportunity to expand my knowledge of the historical character and inform SDSU students of his importance. Here’s what I learned…
The Dalai Lama is the leader of the branch of Tibetan Buddhism commonly referred to as “Yellow Hat”. In this sect of Buddhism, the Dalai Lama represents what is believed to be the reincarnation of a selection of Buddhist elders who were chosen to be reborn in order to enlighten others.

The 14th Dalai Lama, who retired from his honorable position March 14, 2011, began his monastic training at just 6 years old. In preparation for his future position, he studied five major topics: Logic, Tibetan art and culture, Sanskrit, medicine and Buddhist philosophy, which in the future, was divided into five more categories. His “minors” were poetry, music and drama, astrology, motre and phrasing, and synonyms. (We complain about having to major in one subject, can you imagine five?)
In 1963, the 14th Dalai Lama drafted a democratic constitution for Tibet. He desired freedom of speech, belief, assembly and movement; freedoms that were previously unobtainable for the people of Tibet. In 1992, his holiness established the guideless of a democratic Tibet, a free Tibet.
The 14th Dalai Lama has been referred to as a “man of peace”. In 1989, his struggle for the peaceful liberation of Tibet earned him the Noble Peace Prize. Since 1959, he has received over 84 awards and honors for his good works.

On April 19, 2012 the 14th Dalai Lama is going to give a lecture on upholding universal ethics and compassion in challenging times right here on our beautiful campus at Viejas Arena. This will be his first time visiting the San Diego area where he will giving three lectures during his stay.

On April 18th, there is a private panel discussion scheduled to take place at the University of California San Diego campus followed by a public talk that same day, on cultivating peace and justice at the near-by University of San Diego. Tickets for the USD lecture are ten dollars for students with a valid I.D. and 25 for the general public. The same prices apply for the SDSU homily, but floor seating is available for sixty dollars.
I urge all students to not pass on this once in a lifetime opportunity. Even if this lecture doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, go anyway! Spend those ten dollars on something worth wild, such as being enlightened, instead of those everyday petty things. This experience may possibly be life changing, or just an interesting afternoon, but I so am thrilled to attend this lecture!

Jazmine is a freshman at San Diego State University in beautiful SO Cal. With plans to major in Communication and double minor in public relations as well as TFM (Television, Film, and New Media), she deeply enjoys reading, writing, and getting to know people around campus. As the founder and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus SDSU, her hopes are high and she is confident the branch will be a wonderful success. While in her first year of college, she is learning how to be more involved around campus while maintaining her studies. After spending a few childhood years living in Europe and traveling internationally, Jazmine has a passion for learning about different cultures from all over the world, especially the different foods! Future plans? She intends to have a career in media, preferably at a fashion magazine, such as Seventeen, or work with a popular television network such as OWN. In her free time she enjoys being with friends, reading, photography, Sunday church, learning how to play the ukulele, organizing things, and spending hours in the beauty department at almost any store.