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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCU chapter.

It’s almost midway through the school year and lately, it’s been feeling tough a little tough to stay motivated. Here are a couple of tips to finish midterms strong, stick to your fitness regime and get you out of your winter blues.

 Stay motivated to study by…

1.     Investing in some cute stationary

Nothing feels better than whipping out a cute new planner in class and writing down when the next assignment’s due

2.     Organizing your desk

Can’t do homework on your desk because it’s so cluttered? Cleaning up and clearing out some space is the best thing to do in order to use the desk. Also, consider re-arranging your furniture so that your desk faces a window. Studying by natural light is a lot nicer than a harsh desk lamp

3.     Find a new study spot

Try to find a different place to do your work that’s not your bedroom. The tables and chairs outside of Benson and the library are great for some fresh air and sunshine.


Stay motivated to be healthy by…

1.     Tracking weight loss

If losing weight is your goal, then this visual way to see the number of pounds you’ve lost so far should serve as an inspiration to fill up the jar even more!


2.     Getting enough sleep and drinking enough water

These are so simple, yet so vital in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle! Being sleep-deprived or dehydrated are sure ways to interfere with your eating and workout habits, so avoid them at all costs!


3.     Buying a fitness pass from O’Malley

Although you can go to the gym for free, buying a pass and attending classes are an even more motivational way to get fit, because you don’t want the pass to go to waste! Bonus points for bringing a friend along with you to workout!


4.     Buying cute clothes/sneakers

We’ve all heard of retail therapy. So why not have retail encouragement? Maybe buying some new sneakers or Lululemons is exactly what you need to motivate you to go to the gym to show them off!


Stay motivated to be social by…

1.     Joining a student organization

It’s definitely not too late in the year to join a club on campus! Search around and see which ones interest you! There’s also lots of volunteer opportunities on campus that are a great way to give back to your community while meeting new people.


2.     Studying in the library or other places on-campus

Even if you’re not sitting with anyone you know, just being surrounded by other students doing their work makes you feel inclined to stop slacking and keep up with your work!


3.     Asking a friend to eat with you

It’s so easy to just Tapingo a burrito and eat it solo back in the room. Instead of avoiding eating with people because you’re *so busy*, take initiative and ask someone ahead of time if they’d like to eat with you.  Not only will you enjoy the food a lot more, but you’ll also have someone’s company to enjoy while you eat!


Erin is a sophomore Features Writer for Her Campus Santa Clara. Her spirit animal is a sloth. 
Victoria is a senior at Santa Clara University and is a History and Spanish double major with double minors in Political Science and Anthropology. A native Los Angelino, she's a huge Kings & Dodgers fan & will defend her favorite teams fiercely. Lover of Netflix, popcorn, & mint moose tracks ice cream. You can basically count on finding her snacking, binge-watching Game of Thrones, or in the library (sometimes all three at the same time).