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6 Tips That Will Land Your Dream Fashion Internship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

With New York being the country’s fastest paced and fashion savvy city, it isn’t unusual for designers and fashion houses to constantly be on the look for interns. Whether it’s extra help needed in the showroom, assisting the casting director with booking models, or simply aiding the team with their day to day tasks, these big guys need all the help they can get. But, just as you are thinking of applying for an internship with your favorite designer, so are thousands of others. Here are 6 tips to stand out from the crowd and land your dream internship in New York City!

  1. Know who you would want to work for and fall in love with their brand.

There’s nothing designers dislike most than interns that are not passionate about their brand.  Essentially, the point of an internship is to hopefully end up with a job with that same brand. So why not work for a company or brand you obsess over?


  1. Have great experiences under your belt.

Sometimes we focus so much on not appearing too proud or arrogant and end up undermining our accomplishments. This is a huge mistake. When applying for an internship, it is more than okay to do a little bragging about your accomplishments and what you have to offer! I mean – this is what will land you your dream job. So go ahead and tell them about those cool dresses you designed last summer, or that awesome look book you compiled during school. Trust me, they will be impressed.


  1. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through your resume.

It is so important to remember you’re not applying for just any internship. Fashion internships require you to be creative and personable. To be quite honest, most employers only quickly skim through resumes. So in order to grab their attention, your resume MUST stand out! But, don’t overkill. Have a little fun with it while also remembering you also still to want to appear professional.


  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Take advantage of any career workshops or professional advice given from your school. Some schools even offer a trial interview where you can practice the process of landing your internship. Rather than having your friends look over your resume and cover letter, its much wiser to seek a trusted professional who knows what fashion employers look for.


  1. Be prepared for the not so glamorous experience.

Though fashion is always glamorized, being an intern doesn’t always mean you’ll be given the most exciting tasks.  But, that shouldn’t take from your enthusiasm. If it means just running to grab lunch for someone, do it with a smile. It may not seem like it at the moment, but they actually do take note of your fervor! No one wants to work with a killjoy!


  1. Above all, make sure to follow up.

If you don’t get a response right away, don’t be discouraged. Employers are often so busy with their day-to-day life and just simply don’t remember. Sending a follow up later thanking them for their time not only is a nice gesture, but also a friendly reminder.

Maiya is a 19-year-old Sophomore from Miami, Florida currently studying Fashion Marketing & Management at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). With a heavy love for all things creative and fashionable, Maiya focuses on creative art direction and editorial design. In addition to studying Fashion Marketing, Maiya loves to model, travel, read, and workout!