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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD ATL chapter.

Images courtesy of Authority Nutrition  and No Chanel Here.

Avocados are one of the most popular ‘super foods’ out there. It’s highly nutritious and known for being filled with healthy fats and good vitamins. And of course, guacamole. With a little bit of practice, the avocado’s use can extend far past your bowl of salsa. These are just a few tricks to transform this super food hiding there your pantry into healthy and organic things to use.

Cleansing Face Mask  

Image courtesy of nutritionstripped.com.

One avocado, plus a table spoon of mayo or lemon depending on your skin type (it’s lemon for oily skin, and mayonnaise for dry) can create a soothing face mask. Blend it in a bowl and leave as a mask for your face and throat for ten minutes before washing off.

Hair and Face Mask

Image courtesy of blog.freepeople.com.

Simply mix one avocado, one banana, and a tablespoon or two of olive oil and leave it in your hair for thirty minutes.


Image courtesy of soapdelinews.com.

There’s a lot of recipes online for a high-lather avocado soap, including mixtures with rose oil or coconut water. This is one you’ll want to research on your own  to get it to match your preferences.

Eye Mask

Image courtesy of beautylish.com.

Avocado mixed with Aloe Vera under the eyes (NOT ON). Start with a low amount of Aloe in relation to the avocado, to be gentle.


Image courtesy of organicauthority.com.

Just beat it into a creamy puree and the avocado works wonders on dry areas of the body. You can add an egg, a bit of honey, banana and even carrots to make it a bit more nutritious for the skin. 

Cole Seidner is a writing major at SCAD Atlanta who was raised in Georgia and Texas together. She recently interned at Big Think, and had a few articles published there. She is looking forward to graduate and getting the chance to write more.