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Summertime Fun

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

Summer is right around the corner and there are a few rules we must all follow! I know that your thinking that the words summer and rules doesn’t really go together. But don’t get it twisted these are rules strictly for your enjoyment!

The first rule of having the best summer ever is: go to the beach! Going to the beach during the summer obviously had to be on this list. Until now this has been an unwritten rule that all must follow. When you think of summer, the beach automatically pops up in your mind! So buy that bikini, grab some cool drinks and friends, load up the car and soak up the sun! 

The next rule on this summer list is to travel. Nothing kicks off summer the right way like a great vacation, rather it’s with your family, friends, or your boo. Ok I get it we’re college students so funds maybe low. I’m not telling you that you have to go to Greece. Honestly, It doesn’t matter where you go, just get out of town for a few days. Any vacation is a great one. Plus summer is the only time when you have extra free time so just go! Who knows when you will get another opportunity? 

 Ok I need you to pay very close attention to this last summer rule. It’s very serious and should not be taken lightly. The third and final summer rule is; try something new. Summer is the time for any and everything. Rather you go to a concert, get a tattoo for the first time, ride a dirt bike, go jet skiing, sneak back stage of your favorite artists concert, or even go swimming with the sharks step out of your box. Do something you won’t regret and make fun memories while doing it . 

We all know summer is the most anticipated time of the year. There is no school and less work. The days get longer and the nights get hotter. So don’t be afraid to let your hair down and have some fun! And don’t forget to be safe!