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Spring Registration: Top 3 Reasons Why I Hate It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

It’s that time of the year again, spring registration. The most stressful, confusing, and dreadful time of the fall semester. You want to know why? Well, let me tell you the three main reasons why I HATE registering for classes.

1. Wait, what do I still need to take?

Nothing is more stressful that trying to remember what is required for your major, and on top of that trying to remember what you have already taken. How are you supposed to know all of this, let alone remember it all? You have to make sure all of your general education, writing intensive, major/minor focused, and even philosophy classes are all done. Why? Why? Why?

2. When am I actually allowed to register?

You’re telling me that since I’m one credit away from being senior status and my last name starts with a ‘W’ that I have to wait till the last group of juniors to register for classes? Well that doesn’t seem fair, now does it? Who even makes up these rules? Now I’m never going to make it into the classes that I actually want with the best teachers. I can’t help the fact that I wasn’t blessed with a last name starting with a letter at the beginning of the alphabet. But that should not dignify when I can register…

3. All I want in life is the perfect schedule.

We all have that one idea in the back of our minds that would make our schedule the absolute best. Whether it’s no morning classes, no night classes, or no classes on Friday, it’s our ultimate goal. But here are the facts. The actual chances of any of those happening, especially if you’re stuck in a group that registers late, are extremely slim. I hate to break it to you, but it’s not gonna happen if you aren’t a senior, sorry about it. 

Hi my name is Vic(Tori)a. I enjoy eating endless amouts of potato chips and regretting it afterwards, shopping even when I can't afford it, and checking things off my to-do list.
Her Campus at SAU