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Mark Malkowski ‘12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Full name: Mark Daniel Malkowski ‘12

Hometown: Batavia, IL

Major: Psychology Teacher Education

Career aspirations: High school teacher

Post graduation plans: I’m planning on moving back home and looking for a teaching job in that area.

Current job/internship/field hours…: I work as an RA in Tiedemann and just finished student teaching at Moline High School!

Activities you’re involved with on campus: Campus Ministry and Res Life

Perfect first date: Dinner and a good conversation.

What do you look for in a significant other?
A great personality.
What is your favorite memory of SAU and why?
I would have to say the Antioch retreat that I have had the opportunity to participate in. Antioch is an incredibly moving experience and a great way to get away for a weekend to refocus on what’s really important in life. If you get the chance, go!

What is your favorite class/professor at SAU and why?
Dr. Hanzelka in the Education department. He is a incredibly genuine person and really challenges his students to think independently and make their education their own.

Advice for underclassmen: St. Ambrose is a great place. Take time to get to know people here.  Take advantage of the opportunities, and enjoy it while it lasts!

Anything else you want people to know?
Your time here will go by extremely, extremely fast. Don’t take it for granted.

A lover, dreamer and overachiver.