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The MaAaaAAgic Coat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.


Guys, it’s cold.

Actually really cold. As in, “Look at that stupid idiot boy who thinks it’s still okay to wear basketball shorts to class when it’s 30 degrees outside,” cold.


CONS: dry skin, dry lips, static-y hair, wanting to be warm but not wanting to wear a jacket when you go out, and those gross nose crusty things you’re always self conscious of (yeah, I went there).

PROS: Christmas cookies, not shaving your legs, using dangerously low temps as an excuse to stay in bed watching Netflix all day, Christmas cookies, and one of my personal favorites—


Even if you’re a huge winter-hater (not to be confused with Christmas-hater… totally different), you’ve got to love how easy it is to con those teachers, people at the grocery store, etc. that you put any kind of thought into your appearance when you woke up that morning. Basically, you can dress like a total scumbag, put on a coat and scarf, and turn into a totally functioning member of society. I like to call it, “The Magic Coat.”**

The Magic Coat holds the power we all love; a beautiful power that shields us from all judgment when we wear the t-shirts we slept in, don’t wear bras, or aren’t entirely sure what we’re wearing. And if that’s not enough, then—like the true fashionista you are—you put on a giant scarf that hides all that chap-lip and windburn, throw your hair into a “topknot” (weird bun/rat’s nest) and BAM. Girl you look like you on Pinterest or sum’n.


The Magic Coat, my friends. Live it, love it, and drink eggnog for the rest.








**adapted from the Magic Conch 

I'm Maddi(son). I like to talk, laugh, and eat cake and peanut butter in copious amounts. Call me maybe. 
Her Campus at SAU