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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.



As another school year comes to a close, most of us find ourselves reflecting upon the past year and also thinking about the future. Sometimes the future is fun to think about, and other times it can be terrifying. I personally used to hate thinking about the future because the unknown is terrifying.

Are we really going to accomplish our goals and make our dreams a reality?

This week’s snapshot is a quote that really resonated with me. The future will always be unknown, so why does that mean we have to think negatively about it? Shouldn’t not knowing be the fun and exciting part? For anyone out there who’s worried about graduation, internships, or anything in their future, I hope this helps put you a little more at ease.

Hey there, I'm Lindsey! I'm obsessed with teacup pigs, I'm the queen of thrift shopping, and sometimes people call me Loinsberry.
Her Campus at SAU