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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.


The people that you are blessed to have grown up with. The people that love you no matter what you do. The people that will always be there for you.

Or it’s the people you are blessed to call your best friends. The people you chose to be like your family when you’re away from family. The people who love you and will be there for you. The people that make you a better you. 


Whether your definition of family is your blood or your family by choice (friends), family is family. Family is something no one should ever take for granted. Family is what makes you–you.

The older I get, the more I appreciate the time spent with my family. I get so excited to go home and visit them and get sad when they leave but that’s all part of growing up. If college has taught me anything, it has taught me to appreciate and cherish my family..and friends.

Friends in college can make or break you. I’m lucky enough to have a large group of awesome friends/roommates who make life that much better. So if you too are lucky enough to have a solid group of people that lift you up–CHERISH IT!

Some people, like myself, are extra lucky to have both. I have an amazing family and group of friends (insert heart emojis here).

Is this a sappy post? Yep. But am I right about appreciating family/friends?  (thought so)

So….hug/kiss/high-five the awesome people in your life and never forget to tell them you love them (or that they are pretty cool).

Im Alyssa. I dance and sing for fun (not always well).Im way too sassy for my own good and cant wait to start my career. 
Her Campus at SAU