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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.


Avalon Sorensen takes the term “busy bee” to an entirely new level. Not only is she the Vice President for the SGA this year, but she is also the vice president for MACA, the McCarthy student hall director, plays for SAU Women’s Soccer, referees for intramurals, is a member of the Marketing Club, AND participates in Dance Marathon. I have honestly no idea when this girl finds time to sleep because on top of all of those extracurriculars, she’s also double-majoring in Marketing and Management and working on a minor in Organizational Leadership. In the free time she has left, however, she enjoys reading, taking long walks around Vanderveer (she says with a laugh “I’d love to say I like to run but…I don’t”), hanging out with friends, and taking lots of pictures. Because these are the days to remember she says she loves to take pictures all the time because “it happens in the moment and won’t happen ever again.”

Because our Campus Celebrity is a senior, her post grad plans are very real.

“I’m still on the path to self discovery,” she says, but she’d like to move to either California or the Carolinas and perhaps pursue a career in event planning. She says she worked in a cubicle all summer and absolutely hated it but when it came to working the outdoor events, she was in love. Her dream job is to be a professional organizer – like on Hoarders. Organizing is a great stress reliever for our celebrity and she loves throwing things away and de-cluttering her space.

“I just need something to keep me busy,” she says which will never be a problem for her.

She gets her work ethic and passion from her grandfather, who Avalon says is her role model. Her grandfather, a pediatrician, came to the United States because his friend has a practice and asked him to come join in – and just like that he packed up and brought Avalon’s grandmother to America.

“He’s so self-driven and passionate,” she says, “he’s changed so many people’s lives.” She says it’s not even a job to him – it’s a passion. He’s retired 3 times because he just couldn’t stop working!

One thing that keeps her sane through her hectic schedule is her personal mantra “Follow Your Bliss.”

“That’s one thing my parents told me growing up – my middle name is Bliss – and it’s just a reminder to do whatever makes me happy no matter what it is or whatever gets in the way.”


3 fun facts about Avalon:

1.     “I naturally walk on the left side of the sidewalk always.”

2.     She learned to walk when she was 8 months old and completely skipped crawling.

3.     Her dad owns a brewery!

Her Campus at SAU