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“You’re Taking How Many Classes?!” Campus Profile Stretches Her Time to the Max, Taking 21 Units

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

    When it comes to class schedules, taking 15 units may seem like an already full plate, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like there is enough time in the day to accomplish everything you want to get done in the day, making you wish you had a time turner like Hermione Granger to allow you to take multiple classes and have all the time in the world. Many students struggle with managing their time, and setting aside study time for each class. In short, it is sometimes difficult to juggle so many different things with ease. However, one student, Beverlee Wood Romboli, is able to take a gargantuan amount of units, manage her time, and still find some time to unwind, and is able to gracefully juggle all three. Here is how one student is able to manage her time and get ahead in her studies. 

Her Campus: All right, lets start with some basic questions, what are you majoring and what year are you?

Beverlee Wood Romboli: I’m an English Literature major and I’m a Junior.

HC: Exacly how many units are you taking?

BWR: I’m taking 21 units.

HC: Wow, do you work then too?

BWR: I only work during the summer.

HC: So you had to petition take more than 18 units this semester, was it an easy process?

BWR: It wasn’t too hard. Basically, as long as you have a good GPA and you get the paperwork turned in on time, then they have no reason to tell you no.

HC: So how do you manage to balance such a large course load?

BWR: Honestly, I study a lot. Every day, six hours or more. At least for me, the best way to do this is to block off entire sections of my day (or even whole days) for just studying, and to hide my phone.

HC: Why do you choose to take so many units?

BWR: Personally, I take so many units because I don’t have enough money to stay in college for very long; I have to finish early, and I can’t screw around.

HC: What are the pros and cons of having such a large schedule?

BWR: I guess one of the pros is being able to finish early, especially if you’re paying your own way through college. Besides hard work, I can only think of one con, which is not having a social life. At all. Zero.

HC: How do you try to find free time?

BWR: I do try to find at least an hour every day to go to the gym, to play soccer, or go for a run. I find it actually helps me to focus on studying more.

HC: That determination and hard work deserves a round of applause! 

I'm a Sophomore at San Francisco State University majoring in Journalism. I went to San Marin High in Marin County, Novato, and was attracted to Journalism there too. I wrote for the school newspaper, 'The Pony Express' for two years and also enjoy reading, and shopping.