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Full Time Student, Full Time UCSF Nursing Assistant: Campus Celebrity Carla Cobb

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

         SF State Sophomore Carla Cobb isn’t only a full time pre-nursing student, but is also a full time nursing assistant with the California Nursing Asociation. Despite already having a huge workload of six classes; Nutrition class, ethnics in medicine, hollistic health, labor studies, microbiology lab, and chinese perspectives, she also has the task of having a  full time job with the CNA registry on her plate. Certified nursing assistants typially take patient’s vital signs, and height and weight measurements and assist patients who cannot do simple tasks alone. The Her Campus “Campus Celebrity” column strives to recognize students who are doing an extracurricular activity or job to push themselves, go the extra mile and help make a difference in the San Francisco State Community. This hard working second year student is embracing her heavy plate of work and school and is doing just that. Luckily, I was able to sit down with her to ask her a few questions to gain a better perspective on what it’s like to work in San Francisco hospitals and have a heavy course schedule at the same time. 

HerCampus: How did you get this job and where in the city do you mainly work?

Cobb: My job is through a registry with all the hospitals in the city. When hospitals are short of staff I’m on call, mainly at UCSF Mission Bay.

HerCampus: How many units are you taking this semester and how many hours would you say you work in a whole week?

Cobb: I’m taking 16 units, and usually work 24 to 32 hours in a week.

HerCampus: Wow that is a lot of work! It must be hard to balance your schedule, is that one of the most difficult things about working full time?

Cobb: Yes, my schedule sounds crazy when I hear it outloud! It is hard sometimes trying to balance work, school, time with my friends, and just me time.

HerCampus: It must be adventagious though for your classes, since you already have some experience outside of the classroom. Is that one of the “pro’s” of working so many hours?

Cobb: It is yes, other students have to sometimes do an internship program through the school. So I think it does help to work because I already know how a hospital floor runs and works.

HerCampus: Is nursing something you always wanted to do, or did you ever change your major?

Cobb: I pretty much knew I always wanted to do this, it is very rewarding in many ways.

HerCampus: So what are the most rewarding parts of your job?

Cobb: I get to have hands on experience, and I just love to help people. When people tell you their stories, it is nice to know that you can help them. I’ve met a lot of nice people who needed [medical] help, and so it ‘s nice when your able to help make these patients feel better. 

I'm a Sophomore at San Francisco State University majoring in Journalism. I went to San Marin High in Marin County, Novato, and was attracted to Journalism there too. I wrote for the school newspaper, 'The Pony Express' for two years and also enjoy reading, and shopping.