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Campus Cutie Spotted! Meet Jacob!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.


Name: Jacob Violante

Age: 23

Year: Senior

Major: Broadcast and Electronic Communications Arts

Hometown: San Jose, CA

Relationship status: Taken

How would you describe your personality?

–        Very easy-going, like to have fun, alcoholic, haha! Nice guy, polite, but I can get kind of raunchy.

What’s something people might not know about you?

–        I can’t grow a beard.

What kind of music do you love?

–        Independent music, alternative music, all but country. Expect “Over The Road”.

What is the most attractive thing you find in a girl/guy?

–        A pretty face

Biggest pet peeve?

–        Cockiness and b*tchness.

Do you have a preference on what kind of girl you would go for?

–        Sweet, nice, but a little sassy.

Blondes or brunettes?

–        Brunettes, but either one is fine. I’m not going to unlike you because or your hair.

If you turned into a woman, how would you spend your day?

–        I would eat a lot of food and not clean up then I would go dancing. Then examine myself, haha. After a long sweaty night getting jiggy with it.

What is the most romantic thing you did for a girl?

–        For my girlfriend’s birthday I acted as if I had forgotten it but I hadn’t! So I surprised her when she got home with flowers, candles, homemade dinner and presents…and myself *winkwink*.

Ideal first date?

–        Sitting comfortably and talking. Getting to know each other. Maybe something a little fun, maybe like the beach, that would be fun…or a in a park.

Ideal place to travel or live in?

–        South America, Australia or New Zealand because I heard a lot of good things about it…there is lots of beautiful things to see.

Would you rather…have a girl who’s a friend or girlfriend?

–        A girl who’s a friend because I have a girlfriend.

Usual spot you hang out at on campus or off campus?

–        The pub or the KSFS radio station lounge. The golden gate park. My home.

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Sade Browne

San Francisco

Sade Browne is majoring in Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts. She is a very enthusiastic and down-to-earth person. She is a fan of fashion, music, food, and reading. She loves getting to know people and has a curious mind to find things out that interest her.