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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

Summer is just around the corner, and since we’re in college, that means a lot of us will be travelling, taking summer classes, or working. And of course, there comes the time when you have to say goodbye to your boo that you met at the beginning of the school year and basically learn how to live without him or her for the next three months. If you know that feeling, and you’ve been with him or her for less than 6 months, this may be a sign that you’re getting way too attached, too fast. We’re in a period of our lives where we rely a lot on significant others, because our friends and families stayed back home, and we need love and affection to function. It’s normal, but moving too fast can have consequences on the relationship itself over time.

Here are 5 signs that you’re moving too fast with your college sweetheart:

You’re thinking about leaving together for summer: If you’ve been together for about 4-5 months, it’s probably best to get to know each other first. Also, being apart during the summer can give you an idea of how much you trust each other.

You only go out together (movies, restaurants, bar, and even clubs): Doing so, even if it feels comfortable, may prevent you from establishing a social life outside of your relationship. At times you’re going to need run into each other and learn how to live without him/her if things go wrong. Get out and make new friends. Give your boo enough space, so they will miss you even more when you get together.

You haven’t been sleeping at your own place for a month: It will feel good to cuddle every night, but when that stops, for whatever reason, you will have trouble sleeping alone. Like I said earlier, give yourself and your boo some time apart to keep the routine out of the way. Go home tonight, put your things in order, read a good book or listen to your favorite songs. A bit of “me” time never hurts.

You go to the toilet in front of him/her: Gross, you say? Still, some do it. But I just feel like you can keep it for your 2nd anniversary, or something.

You go grocery shopping together (for those who live very close to each other): When you realize that you have the veggies but he has the meat, it’s time to put it together. You might as well move in together, but then again it’s only been a few months. Avoid looking like an old couple. You still have a couple of months to date and keep the mystery in your relationship.

Beginning a relationship after starting college has it perks: Parents aren’t around, and you get to cuddle all night and hang out 24/7. Sweet, ain’t it? But dangerous. If you really like him or her, and you want it to last, make sure you make yourself missed every now and then. Keep some space to yourself, establish a social life and have your own passions. It will keep you sane after a while with your boo, and your relationship can only be healthier!

Good luck!

*Photo credit: pointsincase.com