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Lost Luggae: An Open Letter to Homesick Belles

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Lost Luggage

Welcome back Belles!  Congratulations on completing your first week of classes, and adjusting to life here in the Bend.  There are a lot of emotions that go into the first week, and let’s be honest the entire first month of school.  Some emotions are really positive and good, while others are on the negative and sad side. 

On my travels back to school, I lost a piece of luggage.  I realized the feeling you get when you lose luggage is kind of like the feeling of being home sick.  Don’t stop reading!  I know it’s a bit of a stretch but keep reading. 

The piece of luggage I lost was full of random room decorations, pictures, school supplies, and some clothes.  At first I felt that I am adult and I could handle and deal with this.  I felt very empowered because I knew I could take care of myself and didn’t have to rely on anyone else.  I asked someone for a ride to the store and bought the essentials I needed, which were lost in luggage limbo.  Then, once I was in my dorm room, the feeling of sorrow and dread sank in.  I wanted to have all MY stuff!  I didn’t want to have to go to the store and re-buy and pick out everything all over again.  I went back and forth with the thought ‘whatever happens is meant to be’ and then being really upset ‘I didn’t have my belongings’. 

This is the exact feeling I have at the beginning of each new school year when I am homesick.  Homesickness isn’t really talked about.  Maybe because we don’t want to all gather together to cry about how we miss home or maybe because it’s a very personal thing.  However, more people than you think get homesick.  When I first arrive at college, I am really excited.  I have the freedom to do anything I want, eat anything I want.  I don’t have anyone reminding me that I should be doing homework instead of watching Netflix or sleeping instead of staying up till 2 am on a Tuesday night just chatting with my friends.  However, when I am sitting in my room not doing anything, it hits me.  I miss my family, friends from California, home cooked meals, and being in a comfortable environment.  I want to have MY stuff in MY own room at home.  Just like lost luggage, you have to get (almost) everything new. You get a new room, new room decorations, and new friends, which is really overwhelming.  I promise, once you get used to it all, everything will become YOURS instead of new and foreign. 

Homesickness is different for everyone.  Some people don’t get it at all.  Some people have it so bad they have to transfer schools.  I think most people fall in-between.  There will be some things you will love about being at school, and will miss these aspects of college SO much when you are back in your state, city, or home.  Then, there are other things that you will always miss while at school (for me it’s home cooked meals). 

My advice to everyone and anyone reading this who is homesick or not feeling like the have a place at SMC, go and sign up for all the clubs you are interested in on Wednesday.  Maybe even challenge yourself and scribble your email down for an organization you never would have thought about joining before.  The more activities you do, the faster you figure out what you want and enjoy doing, and will help you get through this tough spot.  If you don’t find anything here, you can go to Notre Dame’s club rush.  If clubs aren’t your thing, there are intermural sports, volunteering, on-campus work, fitness, or doing fun things with your friends.  Do something!  Do anything!

Keep your head up and know that you always have one person to talk to, me!



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Sinead Hickey

Saint Mary's

Incoming Junior at SMC, writing and hoping people like it!
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Hannah Drinkall

Saint Mary's

Hannah graduated Saint Mary's College (May 2016) with a major in Communication Studies & a minor in Public Relations & Advertising. She was the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Saint Mary's, which she co-founded in December 2013. She's from Florida, and she is now working in New York City with New York Times best selling author, Adriana Trigiani. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, @hannahdrinkall!