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11 Times It’s Acceptable To Quote The Parent Trap

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

If you were born in the early 90’s, chances are you’re just as obsessed with The Parent Trap as I am. (And if you’re not…I have no comment.) The Parent Trap taught me all I needed to know about life. How to get my parents back together if ever the need may be…how to tell someone they’re number 29 in their significant other’s life…how to get rid of an evil family girlfriend…how to fake a bad phone connection…and even how to spell the word, “you”. Though we can’t go horseback riding at the Napa Valley Parker Knoll or get lost shopping in Harrods any day we like, we absolutely can relish in the quotes of the most fabulous, sassy, clean cut, and wholesome movie there ever was. There will always be an appropriate time to make reference to this ’98 Disney blockbuster. Especially…

1) When you bid goodbye to your bestie as she leaves the room to go take that really important exam for her major. 

2) When the guy who’s been talking to three girls at once is ending a thing with you and he acts all surprised when you tell him he’s not the only one you had feelings for either and he’s trying to act all hot-shot and you’re just like… 

3) When you’re really, really, really mad at someone.

4) When your friend suggests you all go to a dorm party.  

5) When you need to make a point to someone quickly and clearly.

6) When your mom tells you, “you won’t get that job with your good looks, missy.”   

7) When a guy asks you if you’re talking to him when you call him out after he didn’t hold the door open for you. 

8) When you tell your best friend that it’s okay she failed her math quiz. And missed her work shift. And cracked her iPhone all in one day.  

9) When you win. Anything and everything. 

10) When you cut your friend’s hair in your dorm room. (but you accidentally cut it crooked…) 

11) When you ace an exam. Or land that internship. Or do anything awesome. And if you have a friend. 

So whether you’re anxious about seeing Nick Parker after 11 years, or if you fall into a pool after you catch sight of Elizabeth James…know it’s acceptable to do so and quite frankly, any of the above at any given moment of life. Because Parent Trap. 

Photo 1, GIF 1, GIF 2, GIF 3, GIF 4, GIF 5, GIF 6, GIF 7, GIF 8, GIF 9, GIF 10, GIF 11

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Hannah Drinkall

Saint Mary's

Hannah graduated Saint Mary's College (May 2016) with a major in Communication Studies & a minor in Public Relations & Advertising. She was the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Saint Mary's, which she co-founded in December 2013. She's from Florida, and she is now working in New York City with New York Times best selling author, Adriana Trigiani. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, @hannahdrinkall!