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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

Name: Pooja Shroff
Hometown: South Brunswick, NJ
School(s): Rutgers Business School, Douglass Residential College, SAS Honors Program
Major(s): Finance and Supply Chain Management
Minor: Psychology
Year: 2018

Words to describe yourself:
Driven, Conscientious, Occasionally Sarcastic

Activities on campus: 
Co-president of TEDxRutgers, Treasurer of Rutgers Undergraduate Women in Business (RUWIB), Women BUILD, Douglass Orientation Committee, RBS Ambassadors

Why do you do those/What motivates you in school or in these organizations: 
TEDxRutgers brings the experience of TED talks to Rutgers in the form of an annual conference every Spring. I’ve been interested in TED talks for the past couple of years and was looking forward to joining a TEDx organization before I even decided to come to Rutgers. I’m driven by the fact that there are so many incredible things happening at this university each day, but often times these ideas or stories might not extend past the boundaries of the classroom, meeting, lab, etc. There isn’t always a platform for people to share these ideas across the entire Rutgers community. Through this organization, we have the opportunity to establish that platform and allow people to share their stories. It’s been an eye-opening experience so far, as I’ve been able to meet and hear amazing people both within and outside the university. Being on the organizing team has been a lot of fun, and even though it can definitely be stressful, I get the opportunity to work alongside an incredible organizing committee and have the support of some amazing faculty members. 

I’m also involved with several women’s business groups on campus. It’s 2015 and it’s pretty crazy that women are still significantly under-represented in corporate business, among other fields. If I can be one person in the movement towards promoting a more equally balanced community, then I’d say that’s an accomplishment. Through these groups I’m able to help organize roundtables/panel discussions and various other events for women in business to ultimately promote women’s leadership within and beyond the business world. 

Douglass Orientation Committee (DOC) organizes fall orientation for around 500 Douglass Women each year. I absolutely loved my fall orientation experience and wanted to be a part of planning that for the incoming students. It’s always motivating to work with a group of Douglass women who are all doing incredible things on campus and share the same vision for making fall orientation an awesome experience.

How do you relax and unwind when everything is stressful:
Go for walks, listen to music, take naps…usually the latter. 

What’s your dream job: 
Still figuring that one out, but working in the NBA would definitely be one. I’ve grown up watching and playing a lot of sports, especially basketball. It would be pretty awesome to work within finance/accounting in the NBA. 

What do you like doing for fun in your free time? 
I love exploring new dessert places (especially for doughnuts) or shopping for infinity scarves. I watch a lot of sports and also enjoy hiking with my family.

Favorite TV show/ Favorite band: 
Daily Show with Jon Stewart / Bastille 

Underclassmen, advice: 
I know it sounds super cliché to say get involved, but that’s probably the best advice coming in as a first-year. School can get really stressful, especially transitioning to college during your first semester, and it might seem like you don’t have time to balance all the schoolwork with extra-curriculars, but if you can find an organization or cause that interests you, it’ll definitely make your college experience better. Don’t be afraid to branch out of major/school-related organizations and try something completely new; there are hundreds of incredible organizations at Rutgers so don’t limit yourself. 

What is one thing you’ve always wanted to do: 
Travel to Australia!

Part grandma who enjoys baking, knitting, cats, and scarves while also part child who still can't handle anything remotely scary and always needs a blanket.
Born and raised in Northern New Jersey, Faith attends Rutgers University in New Brunswick, where she plans to major in Psychology and minor in Philosophy and Criminology.  Faith enjoys writing and traveling. She loves cats, books, and the color blue. In the future, Faith would like to attend law school.