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How Not to Cry During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.


Like most college students, I get stressed during final exams. And sometimes, stress can lead to tears. So here’s ten ways to keep from crying during your final exams!


1. Give yourself time
Start studying early! The more time you give yourself, the less stressed you’ll be and the more you’ll understand the material.

2. Make a schedule
Google Calendars controls my life during finals. Planning out what I’m studying and when, or even just setting goals for each day of studying, helps keep me focused and in control. If you’re planning every minute of your day, make sure to plan for breaks!

3. Find a study-buddy
Talking about the material and having someone to bounce ideas off of helps you understand and remember the material better. This doesn’t work for everyone, but you should give it a try! Having someone to study with also makes you feel less alone.

4. Make time for friends
Finals can feel really lonely. Camping out at your desk and studying for hours at a time might seem like a good idea, but it can take a toll on your mental health. Come out of your room every few hours and talk to friends to take a break.

5. Exercise!
If you’re like me, then you hate exercising. Sometimes walking up the stairs is a struggle. But exercising can boost your mental processing power and make you feel better! Get up every half-hour and take a five minute exercise break. It can be as simple as putting on your favorite song and busting a move!

6. Get outside
Spring finals are the worst because it’s always so nice outside and you’re stuck inside studying. But don’t be! While you’re on a break take a walk outside, even if it’s just walking to the nearest coffee shop to load up on caffeine for your next few hours of studying. Getting outside will make you feel like you’re not missing out on the beautiful weather.

7. Eat right
While munching on popcorn or sugary candy might make you feel better about studying for so long, it’ll make you feel worse in the long run. Try something healthier or something to give your brain a boost! Foods like blueberries and tomatoes can help keep your brain happy, and you can take a step in the right direction by simply switching to whole grains!

8. Treat yourself
Studying for finals doesn’t have to ruin two or more weeks of your life. Make time to do something fun! Whether it’s going to that restaurant you’ve been hearing great things about or just doing your hair and makeup, do something for you! Treating yourself to something fun will make you feel better about spending all those hours in sweatpants studying.

9. Find a hug buddy
Make a deal with a friend: whenever either of you feel like crying give each other a hug! Having someone to go to when you feel overwhelmed will make finals just a little more bearable.

10. Look at pictures of cute animals
When you feel like crying, let some furry friends cheer you up. Bonus points if you can cuddle with a pet! (All photos taken from animals_boo instagram)

Good luck on finals!

A Senior at Rutgers University double majoring in Political Science and Economics who loves books, Broadway, and petting dogs.
Born and raised in Northern New Jersey, Faith attends Rutgers University in New Brunswick, where she plans to major in Psychology and minor in Philosophy and Criminology.  Faith enjoys writing and traveling. She loves cats, books, and the color blue. In the future, Faith would like to attend law school.