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Freshman Year in Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.


Yesterday was the official end to my freshman year at Rutgers. Almost everyone you speak to will tell you that your first year at college will be one of the craziest and most emotional years of your life. Of course I always thought they were exaggerating, but they could not have been more spot-on. The night before our year came to a close, my friends and I all met in one of our rooms to reflect on the past nine months. This year has certainly been one of the craziest rollercoaster rides I’ve ever been on. Yet, I wouldn’t have changed a second of it. Thinking of all of the memories I’ve made in the shortest nine months of my life made me think of all the lessons those memories have taught me. Here are just a few:


#1- Life is weird.
Sometimes, or a lot of the time, life is not going to play out the way you expect it to. This stresses so many people out, myself being one of them. I know I always used to freak out when something weird, awkward, or unexpected would happen too. However, this year I’ve learned that the best stories and the moments in which you thrive the most are hidden within the awkwardness. Once you embrace the weirdness of life, I promise you will be a much happier person. I know I am!


#2- It gets better.
When life does get weird- or even downright bad- it really does get better. I know everyone says it to try and cheer others up, but it really is the truth. When I think about the place I was in at the beginning of this year or even at the end of last semester I honestly cringe. I had awful classes, didn’t really like where I lived, and didn’t have a real group of friends my age in my building. I was going to another campus almost every night of the week to hang out with my friends from home instead of making new ones. Fast forward just a few months and I have a whole group of people who I can honestly say I will remain close with for years to come. I even actually cried leaving my dorm even though I’ll be living in the same building with the same people in less than four months. Just making a few changes and keeping your outlook positive can completely change your life if you just keep pushing. My favorite quote is actually one from Robert Frost: “The best way out is always through,” which I’ve definitely lived by this year.



#3- Go for it.
A huge part of making things better is to go out of your way to make a change. You have to take charge of your own life and when you do, you will definitely be satisfied. You cannot let others drive you in a certain direction because at the end of the day, you are the one that has to live your life. Go places you normally wouldn’t. Reach for things you want even if you think they may be a little far. I know it can be hard, but getting up and deciding not to be a bystander in your own story is one of the most important things you can do. The things worth having in life come by traveling outside of your comfort zone.


#4- Let yourself stumble upon things.
Even though you should go for what you want, don’t ignore things that come to you along the way. Some of the best things that have happened to me I just went for on a whim; my roommate (and now my best friend), research, and a career path are just a few. Keeping an open mind and letting yourself try things might just bring you to something you love and find you can’t live without.



#5- Find yourself.
I know that for me, college was the place where I finally was able to restart. I was able to begin with a blank slate and not be a new person, but rather be totally and unapologetically myself. I learned to do what I want and let the deep down parts of myself bubble to the surface to be shown to the world. By being able to do this I’ve not only found exactly who I am as an individual, but also be confident and accept myself for being just that. Finding this confidence and self-acceptance has also allowed me to find people who appreciate that person as much as I do which is the kind of people you want in your life.


These are just scraping the surface of all of the things I’ve learned about life and myself throughout this past school year. The people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had have been truly incredible and life-changing. I could never thank Rutgers, Brett squad (most pictured in the first picture) (plus Mohit, Bethany, Ruut and some others), my Nicholas friends, and all of the others that made my freshman year one of the most unforgettable and amazing years of my life. I really can’t wait for round two!

Born and raised in Northern New Jersey, Faith attends Rutgers University in New Brunswick, where she plans to major in Psychology and minor in Philosophy and Criminology.  Faith enjoys writing and traveling. She loves cats, books, and the color blue. In the future, Faith would like to attend law school.