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Book Review of Girl in the Woods

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

“In 2008, on her second night of college, Aspen Matis was raped by a fellow student. Shattered and alone she fled to the Mexican Border to begin a 2650 mile walk through unforgiving desert and mountains to Canada. This is the story of how her recklessness became her salvation.”

So when I read that title, I was expecting a runaway story mixed with survival, and eventually something like the Revenant. 

Instead, I felt like I met a friend and was with her from the start of her journey to the end.

With most stories about females, you expect something like, “I’m not like the other girls, I do this!!!” While reading, I felt like I was in the process of getting to know someone. She tells you about her childhood, and how she choose her college. She explains how she chooses to hike the West Coast and the preparation before it. Spoiler: Her parents were informed about this hike and they did help her along the way in a sense. This is something similar to a story about healing, but also about exploration and finding yourself. You gain insight into her personal journey and the lingo of hikers. 

I definitely have been inspired to go hiking after this book. There really is something about nature that is so peaceful but also real and raw. 

I have a deep respect for the author because it is never easy to share your story. Unlike fiction books, Aspen’s story is so real. You see her mistakes and success along with her sorrows and triumphs. She proves that everyone’s story is different, and you can overcome your struggles.

1 in every 4 women experience sexual assault during their college years. That number is extremely high, and it can happen to anyone, even people around you. It’s important to realize that everyone deals with the result differently. Girl in the Woods is an example of how one person dealt with the situation she was left. An interesting read and definitely empowering.

Part grandma who enjoys baking, knitting, cats, and scarves while also part child who still can't handle anything remotely scary and always needs a blanket.
Born and raised in Northern New Jersey, Faith attends Rutgers University in New Brunswick, where she plans to major in Psychology and minor in Philosophy and Criminology.  Faith enjoys writing and traveling. She loves cats, books, and the color blue. In the future, Faith would like to attend law school.