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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.


Hi, Profs! Meet Naveen, a senior at Rowan studying early chilhood education with a dual in liberal studies and an international studies concentration. She is 21-years-old and lives in Cherry Hill, NJ.

  1. Do you have any siblings?I have two sisters and a brother. My sister just got married, so now I also have an amazing brother-in-law. 
  2. What is your dream job?I want to teach first graders and some day make it to principal or superintendent. I love working with kids! 
  3. What’s something you’ve struggled with but has made stronger in the end? I’ve struggled with finding a place to fit in. That’s why I love Rowan so much. From the first day of classes, I knew I had found a place where I could be me. Working at the Rec Center has only helped me with that. My peers and coworkers are like a second family, and I feel like I belong. 
  4. Where can we find you on a Friday night?Friday night is usually family night! It’s the one night a week where my sister, brother, and parents and I are all available at the same time for dinner. We usually have something special and enjoy each other’s company. 
  5. What’s your favorite season and why?My favorite season is Fall because it has the nicest weather. The leaves are beautiful, the air is crisp, and everything feels cozy – even walking outside. The first day of fall also usually coincides with my birthday, and fall is when school is back in session. It’s all in all a very happy time for everyone.

Advice for freshmen as a senior: Get out there and make some memories, because that is what’ll take your college experience to the next level. 

I am a Writing Arts major at Rowan University. Poetry is my best friend. One day, I hope to be a successful writer for a popular magazine in NYC. My dream is to travel to Paris, London, and Rome to explore and write about my experiences there.