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Journaling Abroad: Is It Worth It?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

It has now been a little over a year since I returned from my study abroad experience, meaning I have had a lot of time for self reflection. When people ask me what they should remember to pack for their own study abroad trip, they are surprised when I tell them the number one thing they absolutely should make sure is in their suitcase: a travel journal. There are three main reasons as to why I believe this is important:

Remembering Every Detail 

Whether it be what really good restaurant you ate at, the obscure hiking path you found, or just a funny memory, it can be hard to remember every last thing you did, place you went, or food you ate. Writing it down, or keeping a small momentum such as a metro pass or trail map, can be a fun way to make sure you don’t forget parts of your trip.


One of the most fun ways for me to reflect on my experience is to share it with others! When friends, family, or prospective study abroad students tell me they are interested in going abroad, I love being able to give them suggestions on where they can find the best dessert, wine, or coffee shop. By keeping a note in a travel journal, you are able to remember names of places you visited, and are able to relay that to others.  Not only is it a fun way to remember your own experiences, but it may be an enjoyable part of someone else’s as well.

Pictures Will Never Do It Justice

Sometimes, there are some thoughts and feelings that a photograph is just not able to express. By writing down your experiences, you may be able to capture more of the emotion you felt during that time. When I look back at pictures I took during my time in Barcelona, it is easy to keep scrolling. Yet, when I read back on journal entries, I truly remember how it made me feel the first time I walked into the university, or the Sagrada Familia, in ways a picture cannot.

While it is easy to get caught up living through your phone and trying to capture every moment you spend abroad that way, it can be equally as rewarding to spend each night reflecting on your day, and writing about your experiences. When you return from your trip and have your travel journal to look back on, you will be thankful.