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How to: Transition into Autumn Gracefully

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

As a certified basic white girl, I completely understand the hype surrounding Autumn and all it has to offer, but just because September is upon us does not mean it’s time to fully submit to fall fever! So, before you break out your UGGS and pumpkin-flavored everything, here are some tips to gracefully transition from summer to fall without appearing overly-enthusiastic and tragically basic.



  1. Opt for the Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Basic or not, we all realize that PSL is life’s gift to us all during the autumn months, but save the hot version for when it’s actually under 60 degrees outside! Order an iced PSL to hold onto a piece of summer while also getting your fall fix!



2. Add Plaid Short-Sleeve T-shirts to your Wardrobe.

Please do not torture yourself by wearing long-sleeve shirts when it’s still above 80 degrees outside; sporting plaid is not worth suffering a heat stroke! Instead, find a few short-sleeve plaid pieces: t-shirts, dresses, vests, etc. This will allow you to celebrate the upcoming season without drenching in a pool of sweat!



3. Take Baking One Recipe at a Time!

Apple pie, pumpkin bread, and spice cookies all required time and expertise to master, and let’s face it, it’s been almost a year since you’ve took a stab at baking them! Start your fall baking at a slow pace by recreating some beloved classics such as chocolate chip cookies or vanilla cupcakes. Give yourself a chance to refamiliarize yourself with the measuring cup so that when it’s finally time to take on fall bakery delights you’ll be more than prepared!



4. Keep Candle-Burning to a Minimum.

I made the mistake of burning a sugar and spice-scented Yankee candle recently and it immediately gave me a fall-fever episode that, luckily, I was able to recover from without too much damage. Try to avoid fall-scented candles as much as possible for the time being, but if you just CAN’T EVEN, give yourself a candle-burning limit to three times per week until it’s officially Autumn!




If you watch Hocus Pocus before the end of September, I’m judging you. That’s equivalent to eating heart-shaped candies in January! By the time the 13 Days of Halloween begins you will already be eating your Thanksgiving turkey and planning your shopping route for Black Friday! Take a step back and enjoy your fall festivities when they were meant to be enjoyed!


It’s basic human nature to be eager about Autumn, but abruptly going 0 to 100 could possibly jeopardize your overall enjoyment of the season! Take each day at a time and remember, fall only comes once a year so don’t ruin it for everyone else!

I am a Writing Arts major at Rowan University. Poetry is my best friend. One day, I hope to be a successful writer for a popular magazine in NYC. My dream is to travel to Paris, London, and Rome to explore and write about my experiences there.