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Brandon Spewak, Co- Founder of Positive Over Negative

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.


So, I’m sure you’ve all heard of podcasts on iTunes, but have you heard of a PONcast? If not, you’re seriously missing out. Around a year ago, one of Brandon’s fraternity brothers passed away and it was a “wake up call to enjoy life a little bit more” as he puts it. The shortness of life has never seemed so  Over the summer,  he created a list of things that he wanted to do with his life focusing on things that he could accomplish right now while he’s still in college. He chose to create this PONcast (Positive Over Negative- cast) because it’s little to no cost for a college student and it can be done in his spare time. The idea of a podcast about positivity came from him seeing on Facebook and Instagram how people tended to “like” the more positive and inspiring messages. Brandon feels that there is a need for this in today’s world.

                During these PONcasts, Brandon and his team meet up and talk about positivity and things that would be fun to discuss. They also interview friends and people they know who have done great and inspiring things. He says it’s a good way to network and get the word out about people’s experiences.  They hope that people are entertained and gives people new motivation and a better perspective on life. Currently they have over 800 subcribers and followers on Facebook. Read my interview with Brandon and see what all the hype it about!

What types of things do you feature in your PONcasts?: “Basically anything and everything having to do with positivity or even negativity. It can cover pretty much anything. But, at the end of the day, when you listen to one of our podcasts you should get a warm and fuzzy feeling.”

What kinds of things do you talk about with your interviewees?: “With our interviewees, we do a mini-segment called Living Positive where we focus in on one or two things that is a central piece of someone’s life that is their positive influence in their life. What gets them out of bed in the morning? What’s their passion? We like to talk about that and whatever inspiration they have in their life.”

How do you find people to interview?: “We think of people I know and things that they do. Through friends, basically, I have been reaching out to more high profile people through email. That’s something I just started doing, so I’m trying to gain some higher profile people to gain some credibility.”

What has been your favorite interview?: “My favorite interview has been with Joe Hughes. The fact that he was on Mount Everest and just everything he has to say about life and his charisma was just amazing. That whole trip was a special day and I definitely want to do more like that.”

What’s your favorite part of working on the PONcast?: “It’s something I  can get exctied about and something I can create and call my own. I learn better by doing, so if I have the opportunity to try something and do it, it’s a learning experience for me and I get to share a positive experience and hopefully, affect someone’s life.

How has this PONcast had an impact on your life?: “As soon as we started doing it, it has been an extremely amazing thing. The fact that we are reaching out to these amazing people and talking about exciting stuff and positivity, it rubs off. You branch out and meet people you never would have met before and hear stories you never would have heard. You put yourself out there and it multiplies. Before you know it, you’re out there doing all this cool stuff.”

What other things are you doing that have a similar message?: “I’m running a marathon on Sunday for Alzhemier’s. I was on a run one day and I was thinking about the PONcast and different things I could do. While I was running, I was thinking I should do another marathon. I did one when I was living in Tokyo, so that was a cool thing. Later in the run, I thought I should do it for charity and my main charity is for Alzhemier’s research. For me, losing your memory of your loved ones is a horrible thing. I can wrap my head around someone getting sick and passing away. But it’s unfathomable to think of someone getting sick and not knowing who they are or anyone.”  (To donate for Brandon’s run: http://act.alz.org/site/TR/ActiveEvents/PA-DelawareValley?team_id=250087&pg=team&fr_id=5981 )


                In the future, Brandon plans on keeping with Positive Over Negative and sees where it goes. Even if he has a different career path, it is something he is very passionate about and would not give up. He is also trying to organize a TED Talk here at Rowan University. So, it is clear that this will not be the last time you hear of Postive Over Negative and Brandon’s inspiring message. For more information and to check out this PONcast visit these links:

In iTunes, search for Positive Over Negative Official for the PONcast.

Website: www.positiveovergativeofficial.com

Instagram: @PositiveOverNegativeOfficial

Email: Positiveovernegativeofficial@gmail.com 

Hello! My name is Laurie Toich and I am a senior at Rowan University. I am a Writing Arts major with specializations in Creative Writing and Technical/Professional Writing. In my spare time I like spending time with my friends, working out, and writing. In the future I hope to be a published novelist and poet. I believe that if you follow your passion it will never lead you astray!