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Bill Goodwin ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Q: What is your major and what would you like to do with it?
A: I was an English major during my freshman year. Now I’m a health and exercise science
major, and I’m thinking about going into physical therapy, or maybe guidance counseling. I’m
trying to weigh my options at this point.
Q: What made you decide on your major? Did anyone inspire you?
A: With the English major, I was inspired by my high school English teacher. She made
reading and writing so interesting to me. As far as the health and exercise science major is
concerned, I developed an interest in it from different documentaries and from different exercise
enthusiasts, like Dean Karnazes and Lance Armstrong.
Q: What do you like to do for fun around campus?
A: I have the most fun when I’m just with my friends at the Student Center or walking around
campus. I’m not really picky over what I do. How much fun I have relies more on who I’m with.
I’m also into parkour training, and I like going to the gym whenever I have time.
Q: Are you single? What would be your ideal first date?
A: Currently, I’m in a full time, committed relationship with my education. Intimately, though, I’m
single, and I’ve been single for a while. For my ideal first date, I would like to go hiking. I’m up
for anything new and exciting.
Q: Is there anything a person you’re interested in can do that would make a date perfect in your eyes?
A: All I ask is for one thing—don’t try to be perfect. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. I’m a very imperfect person, and I try to utilize those imperfections as best as I can. Someone who is comfortable with who they are and everything they have to offer is far sexier than someone who acts like they’re above any and all imperfections.
Q: What qualities do you look for in a partner?
A: It’s somewhat clichéd, but I look for someone’s personality, first and foremost. If a girl can make me laugh, I’ll enjoy being around her. However, I will say that I’m a sucker for beautiful eyes and a great smile. I’m looking for the girl-next-door type, I suppose.
Q: What is your favorite hot spot to party and get together with friends?
A: I’m not that into parties. I’m actually a pretty big homebody, to be honest. I’m content with just being with my friends at the mall, the movies, or at dinner.
Q: Favorite pick-up line?
A: I don’t really use pick-up lines. They’re pretty cheesy. My goal going into a conversation with a girl isn’t to pick them up. I make general conversation, and if there’s a spark, I keep the conversation going. Using pick-up lines would just make me look desperate, I think.
Q: Random fun fact about yourself?
A: I’m a former marching band nerd. Some people might be turned off by that kind of thing, but I embrace my inner geek. Normalcy’s not really my style, anyway.
Q: Any plans for post-graduation?
A: Ideally, I’d like to do some traveling. Lately I’ve been so dissatisfied with the way my life’s been going, and I feel like I’m doing things to satisfy other people. After I finish my undergraduate studies, I want to step away from my education and get out of New Jersey for a bit. I need to see what the world has to offer me.
Q: Lastly, what’s that new flick out in theaters that you’re dying to see?
A: I want to see The Ides of March. I’m not really ‘dying’ to see it, but it looks interesting. Plus, George Clooney always puts out good movies, so I know that I’ll at least take something away from watching it.

A senior English major at Rowan University, Meghan spends most of her time reading, writing, working out, and watching dramatic TV shows. She also likes to experiment in the kitchen, trying out the recipes she learned in cooking class during her semester abroad in Florence. Meghan has recently completed an internship in the Features department of the Courier-Post newspaper, and will continue to work for them and Jersey Eats magazine as a freelancer. Aside from class, most of her time on campus is spent in the publications suite, where she is the new Features Editor of Rowan's award-winning student newspaper, The Whit. Sushi, country music, and the gym get her through her days, and she is so excited to be joining the Her Campus team!