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10 ways to study for finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.



1. Teach a Friend.

It’s been said if you can teach it you know it. Sit down with a friend, family member, etc and try to teach the the information that you need to know. If they can grasp the basic concepts after you are done explaining it to them you know enough of the information to be able to do really well on the exam.


2. Reward yourself!

Every now and then we are all known to procrastinate. Don’t! Read two paragraphs and reward yourself with your favorite snack afterwards. Or finish that paper and go get some froyo. You’ll be able to actually get done your work if you know that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.


3. Switch it up

Studying in the same spot gets boring after awhile. Instead of studying in the library switch up the location every once in awhile to keep everything fresh and interesting.


4. Approach different classes in different ways

Studying for each class the exact same way is not always beneficial. Studying for an english exam will be way different than studying for that calculus final. Be sure that you tailor the way you study to each class, and maybe each professors teaching style so you’ll be able to even guess which questions will be on the exam.


5. Spice it up

Be able to study without just staring at the paper and trying to cram everything into your head. Use different things like mnemonic devices (memory aids) or different things in your life that can be related to the subject that you’re trying to remember. Doing so is guaranteeing that you’ll remember the information because you are able to access it quicker and in an easier fashion.


6.Office Hours

Office hours are there for a reason. Most of the time your professors do generally want to help you. Go to their office hours from there you’ll be able to gauge what part of the text they seem to focus on more and also you can get help with those questions that you may not have been comfortable asking in a room full of people. Even if their office hours don’t mesh in your schedule shoot them an email. They’ll be happy you asked and may even set a time to accommodate you.


7. Form Study Groups

Forming a study group is always helpful. Don’t just go and pick your friends. You’ll have a higher chance of just goofing off and talking about life things. Try to get between 3-5 people from class that you have noticed are very committed and knowledgeable about the subject. Study groups help you feel more comfortable talking and explaining your ideas within a group of peers. This way they can help you figure out your thought process and you’ll be able to improve your memory.


8. Self Test

Pick information from the textbook and different exams that you got throughout your time in the class and compile them so you can take an exam before the exam. Treat it as though it was the real test. Time yourself, sit in a quiet room, and don’t peek at your answer sheet. Afterwards reflect on the questions you got wrong, and why you got them wrong. Then focus your studying on those questions.


9. Be Organized

Being organized will help you tremendously. Being able to know where all your materials are is priceless. You don’t want to go look for your notes and have no idea where any of them are. That will hinder your ability to study by a lot. Wasting time you could really use studying looking around for a calculator or a paper you could have sworn you saw at the bottom of your drawer yesterday isn’t really going to help you retain any information.



10. Don’t Stress Out

Studying is always a great thing to do but also know when to take a break. Studying for hours upon hours has been proven to actually be detrimental. You zone out, forget the information, or break down. Stopping after a half hour and watching ONE episode of American Horror Story never hurt anyone. SO know when to study and know when to relax so you don’t fry yourself out before you even have a chance to take your finals.


Here are your ten study tips ladies. I hope you ace all of your exams, good luck and as Effie says.. may the odds be ever in your favor

Hi guys! My name is Chiyonte Warren and I am a sophomore here at Rowan University. I am majoring in psychology and love keeping up with all the happenings here on campus , and in the world around us.