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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

We’ve all experienced heartbreak.

Maybe you were in a relationship with the person, maybe you were just in that ambiguous middle ground of being more than friends but less than lovers, or maybe you were just friends. It doesn’t matter the category you two fell into and it doesn’t matter the reason why–the pain of knowing that the person you love doesn’t want to be with you will always be brutal.

So naturally, you want to move on as fast as possible. And I’m sure that you, just like me and all of our heartbroken predecessors, have been bogged down with advice from countless friends, searched all corners of the internet, and read every relevant article or advice column that exists in search of that super effective and super quick method to let them go. I’m also pretty sure that you haven’t found it.

Well, you’re in luck because I have the answer.

The best way to move on…doesn’t exist. There is no universal method; what works for you may not work for me. As for the painless method? Yea, that doesn’t exist either. 

Regardless of how you cope, be it drowning yourself in ice cream, cutting off all channels of communication, or even interacting with them like normal, you are going to hurt and you are going to hurt for a long time.  As someone who’s currently navigating her way through a very messy situation, I’m feeling that pain very, very vividly right now. So you can trust me when I say that I know how you’re feeling and I know that this is hard to hear. What I’ve come to accept (and what you should accept, too) is that heartbreak is not easy to move past. It’s a storm you’re going to have to weather through.

I know that you’re going to hurt like hell and I know there will be times where you feel like you just can’t carry on. When you feel that way, the one thing that I want you to remember, above all else, is this: every storm ends and you will always make it to the shore on the other side.

Vanaja is currently attending the University of Rochester as an International Relations major and Music minor. In her spare time she enjoys singing and reading. Aside from making boys cry, her true loves are Adrien Brody, sleep, and lipstick.