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Freshman Year vs. Senior Year: A Side-By-Side Comparison

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.

Things I did as a freshman that I don’t do now

  1. Went to my 8am
  2. Ate dinner in the Rat
  3. Utilized the mailroom
  4. Felt bad about putting things on my house account
  5. Watched Netflix in the library during finals (nice)
  6. Only ate 2 cookies out of the 3 pack that the Middle Ground sells (I mean…what)
  7. Made out with random boys on the dance floor (here’s hoping that this one stays in this category)
  8. Dress up for swaps (“Swaps”? What’s a swap?!)
  9. Attend 5 hour long country concerts at Minglewood
  10. Went to tailgates sober (…?)

Things I did as a freshman that I still do now

  1. Oversleep my 8am
  2. Oversleep my 11am
  3. Get failing grades in introductory classes (here’s to you, “Music: A Sound Experience” and a Science class that I literally don’t know the name of)
  4. Wave at people who don’t see me
  5. Laugh out loud while watching Netflix by myself
  6. Fall walking across campus
  7. Talk about the Avett Brothers/podcasts/Scott Avett too much (oh shoot, did I mention the Avetts twice?)
  8. Skip chapter for slightly-less-than-legitimate reasons
  9. BUS PARTIES, amirite!? ;)
  10. Rely on Ms. Laverne as motivation to get out of bed. See you Monday, Ms. Laverne.