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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Regent chapter.

In about a week, myself and hundreds of others students will walk across the stage to receive our diplomas. I like to call this walk “the walk from comfort into a sea of sharks,” a.k.a. adulthood.

This week, I interviewed Perry Ritchie, a 22 year old vet technician, who has been working full time for two years.

Below are some questions from an already transitioned adult, making money and living on her own.

I hope this gives seniors some comfort, tips, and hope for this upcoming season.  

(Her Campus):Where do you work?

(Perry Ritchie): Great Neck Veterinary Clinic.

(HC): What are some tips for money management?

(PR): I try to lump as much money into my savings as I can, and to only keep a fixed number in my checking- that way, if I have to move more money from my savings to my checking, it’s a red flag that I’ve been spending too much on nonessentials.

(HC): Do you receive any help from you parents?

(PR): After graduation, I was on my own, but as of last week I moved in with them for the summer just to have some added time with them, and to save on some rent, which was a door God opened for me.

(HC): What are some easy dishes to make in a time crunch?

(PR): I like to make chili- not homemade stuff, ain’t nobody got time for that, but a can of diced tomatoes, some ground turkey (the leaner the better) and a can of kidney beans. Throw some chili powder on it and put it in the fridge- it makes about 2 meals.

Oatmeal in a jar is fun to prep the night before, and you can it grab and go in the morning. I always keep a box of cereal in my pantry for emergencies as well.

If you’re ever in a pinch for a recipe, pinterest has a ton.

(HC): What is the most challenging part of adulthood? Tips for handling this?

(PR): Honestly, it’s the big stuff, like taxes and buying a car that stresses me out the most, but when that stuff comes around, I ask a lot of questions, even the dumb ones.

My family helps me through adulthood decisions. It’s more satisfying to me to know I did things right, rather than to have done it alone.

(HC): What’s the easiest part of adulthood?

(PR): I love getting to build my own priorities. How often I am out and about, or when I get to stay home.

It’s also lovely to just get to say yes or no to whatever and having a car is amazing.

(HC): What is it like working, living on your own, etc?

(PR): I think it’s pretty awesome.

I still have no idea what I’m doing most of the time, and that feeling is frightening.

For me, it was important to find a job that I loved doing- that makes life less boring and more satisfying.

I get that sometimes you need a job just for the income, and that is okay, but for me, I really needed to feel purposeful and a part of a team.

(HC): What would you say to those graduating and transitioning to adulthood/living on their own?

(PR): Remember you’re never really on your own.

If life is hard, find friends you can share it with.

Pray a lot, and cry as much as you need.

Change is hard, and an end of an era is worth grieving over.

Adventure it up by making fun food, staying up late and enjoying endless hours of netflix. Save some money to have for impromptu road trips. Those are the best.

If you need a day to stay in pjs and bed all day- take it.

Just make sure to also take a day to be adventurous and productive.

Take care of your beautiful self, eat real food, and get outside and move.

Working out is a great stress reliever.

Sing loud and play music.

(HC): Is adulthood lonely? How do you handle this loneliness? Any ways to combat it?

(PR): I would say that it is at first, as you wonder what’s next in life, and having said goodbye to your college buddies. But, it’s also full with old and new friends and coworkers, so I wouldn’t say that loneliness is my default emotion.

Tips would be to stay in touch with your college friends and family, and to get involved with the church you attend.

Work hard, but don’t be a workaholic.

Have a comfort night, where you just do things that make you happy. A healthy dose of down time is crucial for thriving. and for your journey of learning who you are.

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