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Eight Things Every Freshman Should Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Regent chapter.


Hello, Regent Freshmen! Welcome to Regent University.

We’re glad to have you here!

As someone who has experienced some of the wiles of life, I have some advice I’d like to offer.


Here are 8 things all freshmen should know:

1. Just because it is a Christian school does not mean everyone is a Christian.

Be careful with your circle of friends. My mom used to tell me “everybody out here is not your friend.” She was right. Some people are meant to be good acquaintances. Some people are annoying and are meant to teach you something about yourself. Some are meant to exemplify traits you may want to develop. Recognizing the importance and purpose of people around you and creating boundaries is an important part of developing healthy relationships.

2. Friendships can, and will, change.

Sometimes they evolve, sometimes they grow distant. You may grow apart from someone you were close with during first semester for no apparent benefit or purpose. C’est la vie. Don’t take changes like these to heart. Sometimes one person just has a 7 am class and needs to sleep after their day is done to recover from their trauma. Life goes on.

3. Nothing about Regent is perfect.

You can voice concerns or suggestions to College Student Leadership Board (CSLB) members, so familiarize yourself with who they are. They appreciate the input of the people they’re working for.

4. Get involved in activities around campus.

There are so many activities for early morning birds and night owls. LAUDs are Wednesdays at 8 am on the lawn while Vespers are Wednesdays at 9 pm in the chapel. There’s also the Apprenticeship Program for those who may want to be in Campus Ministries or a Lifegroup leader in the future. Look out for clubs and student hosted activities as well. If you can’t find a club that matches your tastes, you can make your own. Check out the Regent website for more info!

5. Know when to say no.

Yes, it’s good to get involved, but don’t be the person who’s spread too thin. There are school hosted event and parties, but remember that you’re at school for school, so anything that prevents you from doing your best work in school should be put on the backburner.

6. Also know when to say yes.

As tempting as it is to stay in your room and Netflix all day, college will be much more enjoyable if you leave your room. Trust me.

7. Don’t forget God in your journey.

There will be some days you feel like you shouldn’t bother existing. There will be some days when people get on your nerves. There will be some days your classes seem longer and more boring than normal. God will help you through these days. I know you already have reading to do for classes, but reading the Bible is a must in your journey. Without it, you’ll find yourself turning to other sources for guidance, which is not always bad, but it’s not as good as God’s primary source for guidance.  Also, don’t forget Him in important decisions. Prayer can clarify a lot of things and it is in your best interests to consider God’s interests.

8. About dating…

Look, I’m going to break it to you like this — a lot of relationships started freshman year don’t work out. A lot of crushes don’t come to fruition and at a Christian school away from people you know, it may seem like a farmer’s market for significant others. There are a lot of chivalrous guys. There are a lot of kind hearted girls.

Not everyone is for you.

If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your head down and follow God until He tells you otherwise. On no occasion should you drink the Regent water. It makes you more thirsty instead of quenching thirst. What you need to do is drink that living water and never thirst again.

However, if you meet a guy or gal that you’re into, they could reciprocate. In that case, keep it easy. If you can’t see yourself married to them, they’re probably not “the one.” If you can see yourself married to them, then you’re delusional (haha, just kidding). Pray about it. If they’re the one, both of you should be putting in the same amount of effort. Don’t get caught up with someone who doesn’t really care about your wellbeing or think you’re worth the effort.

Well, those are the main things you need to be aware of.

Other things, like using your money wisely and doing your homework you have heard or will hear on several other occasions– you don’t need to hear it from me.

Trust me, what I’m telling you will help you live the most productive and worthwhile college experience. 

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Tiyra is a senior at Regent University studying English with a concentration in communications. No, she does not want to be a teacher. She is a total advertising and marketing geek (she reads Adweek every morning and AdAge every month). She enjoys writing, reading, learning new things, and good music. She is a fan of Korean dramas, they're a lot of fun! If you're looking for her, you can normally find her where the free food is.