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Secrets of Chocolate Revealed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.


Valentine’s Day is soon approaching, and we all know what that means: lots and lots of chocolate. The thought of being tempted with heart shaped boxes filled with assorted chocolates from your significant other might sound like the beginning of the downfall to your New Year’s resolution for a healthier diet. However, there are some surprisingly upholding qualities to chocolate and when eaten in moderation, it can be a rather healthy option for a sweet treat.


What is in Chocolate?

Chocolate is made from processed cacao beans or as other people might say, “cocoa” beans. These pressed beans turn into what is known as chocolate liquor, which contrary to the name contains no alcohol. Chocolate liquor is combined with sugar, lecithin to help the ingredients blend together more easily and vanilla. Milk ingredients are added to make milk chocolate and other add-ins create the endless varieties of chocolate.   

Dark vs. Milk

While dark chocolate has a higher level of chocolate liquor than milk chocolate, it also contains less milk ingredients and sugar. When looking at a chocolate bar label, the higher the percentage of cacao (or rather bean solids), the less amount of sugar and therefore the more bitter and stronger the chocolate taste is.  

Dark chocolate is not for everybody, however it is of the healthiest chocolate you can select. In fact, the higher the cocoa content, the more antioxidants it contains. Antioxidants are important to include in your diet because research has shown them to help prevent this risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Busting Myths

There are tons of myths surrounding chocolate, however in recent years scientific research has proven a number of them to be false. According to research conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association, chocolate does not play a contributing role in causing acne. Furthermore, there has been no proof of a connection between chocolate and hyperactivity, migraines or tooth decay. This is not to say that eating an endless amount of chocolate is healthy, as the key with everything is to consume in moderation.
Quality is the Way to Go

Purchase a high quality brand of chocolate and you will notice a small amount can go a long way when you can savor and appreciate its richness, as oppose to devouring fistfuls of M&M’s, which only leave you unsatisfied and wanting more.

One ounce of dark chocolate, which is about 28 grams, should be enough to satisfy your sweet tooth. However, most chocolate bars list a serving size of 40 grams, or rather four “blocks.” A Godiva 72% dark chocolate bar has only 60 calories per block, and it you eat the entire serving size of four blocks, which is more than one ounce, it adds up to 240 calories, reiterating the need to consume in moderation.

So, the next time you feel a chocolate craving coming on, go ahead and indulge yourself!