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Campus Cutie: Christopher Zerrip

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.


Name: Christopher Zerrip

Age: 18

Major: Biology

Hometown: Foxboro, MA

Relationship status: Single

Campus Involvement: Orientation Leader, Alpha Phi Omega, Pep Band, Qu Golf

Dream Job: Pediatric surgeon

Who would play you in a movie? George Clooney in Oceans 11 or Johnny Depp in The Tourist 

Three words that describe you: passionate, ambitious/ hard working, and athletic

Hidden Talent: Cyclist

Fun Fact: I played with my Jazz band for the president Obama’s at the Let Freedom Swing concert and gala the night before his first inauguration. 

Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Lawrence

Dream Date: a day out on a sailboat, followed by a fire on the beach where we would relax and watch the sunset.

What you look for in a girl: I look for a couple different things in a girl, I look for someone who is confident, smart, dedicated, is mature and caring. They also should be athletic in some fashion and have pretty eyes.

Any deal breakers? smokes and is attached to her phone when we are together

Advice for the QU ladies? Do what you want to do and be who you want to be. Also smile more, it will put you in a good mood plus smiling is contagious!