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What The Unicorn Frappuccino Is Really Like

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

After braving the HUB Starbucks line in between classes, I decided instead of my morning blonde roast I was going to mix things up and get the colorful, limited time concoction the Unicorn Frap. Would it keep me caffeinated? Would I mind how sweet it is? Will it really taste like “if a sour patch kid threw up” as my friend described it? I didn’t know, but I was determined to give it a try. I proudly walked up to the cashier and asked for the horribly overpriced tall version of the unicorn Frappuccino and she genuinely seemed excited to prepare it. I patiently waited for about five minutes before the barista called my name to pick up my drink. There it was, in all of its beauty.

This drink isn’t only Instagram filter pretty, it’s actually as colorful and magical looking as you’d expect. Here it is #nofilter for context.

Before taking a sip, I knew it was photoshoot time. A drink this photogenic had to be captured before I could start slurping it. Here she is in all her unicorn glory.

And then, the moment I had been patiently waiting for: the first sip. Upon first taste, it reminded me a bit of bubblegum ice cream with a twinge of something fruity thrown in. Not necessarily mango (the syrup Starbucks uses in it). It was more of a peachy flavor. It also reminded me of the plain old vanilla bean Frappuccino but much prettier. Here’s a pic of me enjoying the first sip.

I happily walked from the HUB to Willard while savoring the drink, getting many stares from people who definitely wanted to be me on the way. One girl even remarked to her friend while passing by “I HAVE to try the unicorn frap!” I was quite the inspiration this morning.

Then, something weird happened to the drink. It went from the sweet bubblegum flavor of the first few sips to something kind of like a subtle sour patch kid. Not overpowering, but definitely noticeable. By that time, the drink had definitely undergone a color change too from a lilac purple to bubblegum pink.

When I got to class I swirled in the whipped cream and pink powder on top to see what that would accomplish. The neon pink powder on top wasn’t sour as I expected it to be but more like a pixy stick. Mixing up the drink definitely mellowed the sourness and brought in the sweet creaminess of the whipped cream.

Overall, it was not a bad drink, but definitely not something I’d order every day (or ever again.) Get it for the gram pic and to make your friends jealous but aside from that it’s nothing to get too excited about. It’s not a bad drink, but I’d rate it a 6/10 — and 5 of those points come from how magical it looks.

Kaylee is the former President and Editor in Chief for Her Campus at the University of Delaware. She held this title from 2017-2020 and wrote for Penn State's chapter as a contributor prior to this. Now a proud UD class of 2020 alum (B.A. in Public Policy and Writing), Kaylee is completing her Masters in Public Health. Aside from writing, Kaylee was involved in many activities as an undergrad. She wrote for three college publications, was a Blue Hen Ambassador tour guide, worked as a Starbucks barista, and was the Director of Operations for the Model United Nations at UD.
Meghan Maffey graduated from the Pennslyvania State University in the Spring of 2017. She graduated with a degree in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in English.