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Valley Magazine Editor-in-Chief: Haley Blum

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

This week, Valley Magazine is distributing their fall issue, so be sure to pick up one in the HUB as you walk through on your way to class. But before you do, take a second to learn about the editor-in-chief Haley Blum.

HC: How many hours per week do you work on Valley Magazine?
Haley: I work on Valley more than I work on homework, it’s just more of a priority. I do spend a lot of time on my class work too, I’ve always been a really good student and I like going to class. I probably spend anywhere from two to six hours on Valley everyday—although not all days are like that.  It feels like it’s a full time job, but it’s a job that I love.

HC: How long have you been involved with Valley?
Haley: I tried out for the staff the end of my fall semester as a freshman. I knew I wanted to join some type of publication—I’ve always known I wanted to do journalism, since seventh or eighth grade. So I just took my first semester to feel things out. I officially joined Valley the end of my fall semester of freshman year.

My freshman and sophomore year I was a writer, always entertainment, because my passion is music. Then junior year I became the entertainment editor.

HC: How did you feel knowing you would be the editor-in-chief?
Haley: I realized that in the past with Valley, the managing editor became the editor-in-chief, so I had always assumed it would be that way this time also. I thought maybe I’d become the managing editor this year. But, the managing editor last year knew how busy her senior year would be and recommended me for the position. It’s been amazing so far. It’s definitely one of the best things that has happened to me so far at Penn State.

HC: What internships have you had?
Haley: I interned at Girls’ Life. Then at USA Today in the news department. My experience at USA Today was amazing. Then I became the managing editor at USA Today College and interned over my junior year as life/college intern at USA Today.

HC: You’re graduating in the spring, so what is your dream job?
Haley: Working at Spin Magazine or Alternative Press. But honestly now, just as much of a dream job would be working at USA Today. My dream is definitely covering music, but I would be happy doing almost anything.

HC: What the biggest or best lesson you learned from Valley?
Haley: I’ve definitely learned a lot. So far I’ve learned a lot about the internal workings of a magazine because I’m a writer, I don’t do budgets or money. But, now I have to.

I have had to work with UPAC to get funding and work with our finance director and a printer to get quotes for that. It’s been great in that aspect because it has given me lessons beyond just the reporting, writing and editing aspect of journalism. I’ve really learned how a magazine or publication is run.

HC: What’s the most challenging aspect of being the editor?
Haley: Making sure that communication stays open and that everyone is on the same page. Pulling all of the aspects of the magazine together. As I said before, I came from a reporting background, so booking the photo studio and looking at photographs and working with downtown stores, really focusing on more business aspects hasn’t been too challenging per-say, but it’s definitely something that you have to work at.