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Penn State’s Poised Playmate: Aisha Jamal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Penn State has a new celebrity of its very own. Lucky for us, she’s strong-willed, independent and free-spirited–all great qualities not only to represent us by, but also look up to. Aisha Jamal (senior-film studies), also known as Laila Rose, has been chosen as a featured Barmate for Playboy’s April 2011 issue.

Upon first meeting Aisha, she was wearing a t-shirt, military hat and no makeup. Not so typical of what you’d expect from someone excelling through the modeling world of Hollywood and having made several prior trips to the Playboy mansion. But this model is anything from what you’d expect. Remaining modest and down-to-earth through her journey thus far, this self-assured woman lives her life without a care in the world about what other people think about her.

Although Aisha has undergone struggles, like fitting into the typical Playboy mold with her exotic look, refusing the need for plastic surgery and balancing being a model, student, wife and Mezzanine bartender–she remains in control of her life. Most importantly, her main fan base–her husband, friends and family–have all continued to support her.

Her Campus: What does being a part of Playboy and the experience as a whole mean to you?
Aisha: When posing for Playboy, you are in control of your sexuality. I don’t care about what other people think, I’m in control and loving life.

HC: What has been the biggest struggle in modeling for you so far?
A: I have an exotic look, which is hard because most girls in Playboy all have a similar look to each other. Obviously nobody’s perfect. Girls feeling like they have to get plastic surgery is just frustrating. When you get plastic surgery, you literally become an object. Anyone can look like that. Girls get it when they don’t really need it.

HC: Have you been noticing any different attention toward you on campus?
A: It’s been pretty much the same. But I notice it the most at the bar when I’m at work. I’ll hear ‘Aisha!’ and it’ll be someone I don’t even know. You definitely also see who your true friends are.

HC: Okay, so what’s it really like at the Playboy mansion?
A: It’s pretty awesome. I’ve been there five times. The themed parties are definitely the best. There’s lots of celebrities, animals, buffet of food and open bar. It’s definitely what you picture and see on TV. I haven’t actually been able to meet Hugh Hefner but I’ve seen him, we’ve stood so close to each other! He’s always surrounded by his security!

HC: How do you feel about Penn State being named the #2 party school on Playboy’s list this year?
A: It’s cool. Yeah we’re fun, but this isn’t always recognized as a good thing. I think people put too much pride in being a party school.

HC: Do you think there is an apparent double standard between men and women, especially at PSU?
A: Definitely. If a guy gets with girls he’s the man, but if a girl does the same than she’s a whore. It’s ridiculous and a lot of it comes from within. Girls are so quick to hate on each other, I hate it. They’re so competitive, especially with guys. And look at society. People judge Playboy but really it’s more empowering for women. People think it objectifies women but really women are the ones looking right into the camera and are completely in control. I definitely consider myself a feminist – challenge everything!

HC: Your graduating soon, what does the future look like for you?
A: I definitely want to pursue on modeling, but I need to concentrate on getting a steady job to be able to keep myself sustained. I’m actually looking at a job right now in Austin, Texas I’m really excited about. I definitely think this semester has been hard – senioritis is taking over and with everything going on, you have to balance priorities. I’m actually a very competitive person so ever since I found out I was chosen, my goal has definitely been to become a Playmate. I think it would be awesome.

HC: Advice to any girls pursuing a modeling career?
A: You definitely have to give your heart to it, 100 percent. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been shut down. It’s all about portfolio building, stick to it. Don’t be discouraged.

One thing is for sure, this aspiring model is climbing her way toward bigger and better things and she’s doing it her way.“Be proud of who you are. Don’t let anyone define your happiness,” she said.

Note: The Mezzanine will celebrate her Playboy April 2011 issue appearance on Friday, April 29 at 9 p.m. at The Mezzanine, located at 420 East College Avenue (ages 21+).