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10 Things I Don’t Regret

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

It breaks my heart any time I hear someone talking about something they did that they regret. Unless something happened that was extremely detrimental to the long-term health of you or another person, you really shouldn’t regret it. If things didn’t play out the way that they did in your life, you would be a completely different person. In most cases, I wouldn’t want you to want that. To make everyone feel better about things that they’ve done, here is a list of things that I do not regret.


1. When I didn’t answer my texts in a timely manner

I can’t prioritize! This is something you simply must accept about me.


2. Eating a whole pint of Ben & Jerry’s in one sitting

I was hungry (aka bored), plus “Phish Food” is addictive, come on.


3. Speaking my mind

I will never feel bad for saying what needs to be said, even if the person doesn’t want to hear it. You can be kind AND speak your mind. And remember to not fear rejection.


4. Binge watching a show on Netflix

Could I have been something more productive? The answer is no, especially when the inmates of “Orange is the New Black” must have their story heard!


5. Turning down a job that wasn’t for me

While it’s important to be financially stable, it’s even more important to be happy. Don’t settle for anything unless you have absolutely no other choice.


6. Going out the night before an exam

I ended up getting a B+ on it. I Can’t complain!


7. Going out approximately 1,247,324,734 nights in a row

You know, I want to look back on my college experience and be able to say that I did the damn thing. This behavior is unacceptable in the real world, so I’m just taking advantage of my environment.


8. Spending all my money out at the bars

Hey, they keep telling me that companies love those Penn State degrees! Soon enough I’ll be making six figures and I’ll just be able to walk into the Gaff and buy pitchers for everyone. You get a pitcher! You get a pitcher!


9. Cutting a toxic person out of my life

I’m all for giving people second and even third chances, but sometimes, you have to realize when someone simply doesn’t have a place in your life.


10. Accidentally dropping my phone off a balcony into a grill

It happens, I guess? Long story.


Lastly, I will not look back at my college career and wish that I did anything differently. I feel so lucky to have been able to have the experiences I have had here – they have taught me confidence and an array of important lessons.


I challenge you to make yourself a promise that will allow you to prosper and bring some newness into your life. This is your time: no regrets allowed!

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Likes cheese and rap. Go PSU!
Meghan Maffey graduated from the Pennslyvania State University in the Spring of 2017. She graduated with a degree in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in English.