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A New School Year: What to Toss and What to Keep

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

It’s that time of year again, and no I’m not talking about Pumpkin Spice latte’s seasonal comeback to Starbucks. It is a new school year! Regardless if you’re a freshman who came to school with three caravans full of things you’ll never use, or a senior rolling in with just a mattress, a fan, and your closet, here is a short list of things that I promise you will need: stuff you should definitely keep from last year, things you should definitely buy new, and if you don’t already have them, things you should definitely invest in. 


-Those jeans: The jeans that make your legs look a mile long. They may have a slight tear in the lower crotch area, and an even bigger hole by the knee, but you look good and you know it.

-Your leather jacket: When the weather gets chilly, a leather jacket is the perfect addition to tie your outfit together, and it adds a little edge. Plus leather is like wine, it gets better with age.

-Basic T-shirts: Those 10 basic tees you have from H&M for $5.95 each? Keep them. They are the perfect staple.

-Ratty sweatpants: You may tell yourself that you are going to dress nicely this semester (did anyone else just giggle?). But keep those sweatpants that you wore to the after-prom party. After a long day of classes and exams, cuddling up in those sweatpants will be your saving grace. 


Get new:

-Makeup: Mascara should be changed every 3-6 months. If you’re not sure whether or not you should buy new mascara, smell it! If the smell is funky, it’s time to replenish. While you’re at it you can pick up other makeup essentials-foundation, blush, and especially eye-liner, that you either don’t have, or have had for too long.

-School supplies: I always try to start off a new semester by re-using notebooks and folders. Yet I always end up buying new ones. I find that new supplies equate a new start. And, with a sharp new pencil, comes a sharp new semester followed by a killer GPA.

-Accessories: Get a new scarf, or try a new hat. You can keep the same clothes but spice them up with new jewelry for example. Go check out Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe. They have an insane amount of accessories at super affordable prices.

-Leggings: These days leggings are vital to your wardrobe. However, even with expensive and good quality leggings, wear and tear becomes evident after wearing them every three days. Make sure to pick up a few pairs at Target, or any of the aforementioned stores. 


Invest in:

-Boots: Invest in a good pair of boots. They will last a while, and they’ll get you across campus fashionably night or day. A simple outfit of jeans and a tee becomes more put-together when you strut your stuff in gorgeous camel-colored boots.

-Good walking shoes: For those of you who live on a campus where you walk upwards of 20-30 minutes to class, do not forget good walking shoes. It may seem like a good idea to wear flats everyday, but your feet will be crying out for mercy by week three. Occasionally give your feet a rest and slip on those walking shoes. It will feel like you’re walking on Cloud 9. Trust me.

-A good backpack: This is crucial. As college students, we lug our entire lives on our backs: textbooks, computers, notebooks etc. You should make sure they are being transported by a good-quality backpack that supports your back as well. 


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Just your average 6'2'' czech girl with nine toes =)
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt