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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Name: Mike Andrews

Hometown: Lebanon, PA

Year: Senior

Major: Biology, minoring in Chemistry and History

Relationship Status: Very single!!! (His words, not mine.)

HC: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

MA: Probably not Pittsburgh because of the weather… probably somewhere in England, like London, because I don’t speak any other language and I’m really into soccer. I’ve been to France and Amsterdam and Costa Rica, but if I don’t know the language, it seems really sketchy to me. I know it sounds bad, but I want to know the language first.

HC: What organizations are you involved in on campus?

MA: (laughs) Not any, to be honest. I’m technically a member of SAO but all their meetings are when I have class so I don’t go… So I’m technically a member but I don’t go.

HC: In a movie about your life, who would play you?

MA: Oh god… Rupert Grint, because he looks like me. He could do my mannerisms pretty well too. I teach tennis in the summer, and all the kids called me Ron when I had my hair long. I had to get rid of that. My hair’s not that red though. And I think I have better eyes. 

HC: What was the last song you were listening to? I know you had headphones on.

MA: “Candler Road” by Childish Gambino; its rap, but he’s really unique about how he raps and the way he puts out projects.

HC: So he and Taylor Swift are both unique in how they rap, then.

MA: Well, Taylor Swift is very unique in how she raps… I can’t say I enjoy it (winces dramatically).

HC: If you were marooned on an island for a couple of months (he interjects “sh*t…”), what are three things you would bring with you?

MA: I’m not going to say my phone because everyone says that and anyway you wouldn’t have service or a charger. Sh*t… a soccer ball, give me a soccer ball (okay sir, here you go). Tent… give me a tent. If I usually think about it, I’m usually just like, “wow, I’m screwed, I don’t have anything here.” And my dog. (A bottle of rum was what he traded in favour of the dog, isn’t that adorable?)

HC: Aren’t you just the little survivor?

MA: Hey, I want a tent!

HC: You can have it. So, what’s the first thing you notice about a girl?

MA: Probably how she dresses and how she’s made up. I’m not big into girls who look like they’re trying too hard. There are some girls you just see and you’re like “wow, stop trying so hard.” I don’t care what you’re wearing, if you’re good-looking, you’re good-looking. If you’re going super hard with the makeup, it’s really obvious, and I’m like… why… why? I don’t think girls do it for me – which they don’t – but I still get to have my opinion, right? (winks)

HC: Well, if you weren’t allowed to have an opinion, it wouldn’t be a question, would it now?

MA: Exactly! If you can look good in anything, you’re my type.

HC: You ought to be able to roll in dirt and come out looking good anyways (personal opinion).

MA: And going along with that, if a girl is out in nature, she shouldn’t be grossed out by dirt and mud and nature in general. Like if she’s all “ew, this is gross” then I won’t even consider her.

HC: What’s your idea of a perfect date, then?

MA: Oof. I don’t go on many dates…  Probably something playing sports, but not where she’s like “OMG I’m so bad.” (Imitates girl falsetto) Something fun and light, where we can just mess around. Nothing super competitive, obviously. Or to a park for a walk and mess around – (sees me roll my eyes) no, not like that, I didn’t mean mess around like that – or chill on a playground. Depending on what you think she’s into, like a museum. Like the Warhol museum. Somewhere that isn’t a comfort zone for either of us, so that we can gauge each other. Dinner and movie dates are so… dull. Lunch is good, but more casual, so it isn’t the perfect date. Lunch is like “…do I want to go on a date with you?” And the movies? Mad expensive. And you can’t do anything. If you’re going to go somewhere, don’t go to the movies!!! Also, in the winter, ice skating! That would be a good date!

Sounds perfect to me! What do you think of our latest Pitt Campus Cutie, ladies?

Image credit: HCPitt’s Cutie

I'm a senior at the University of Pittsburgh who loves traveling the world, writing, and college life in general. My majors are Environmental Studies and Biology, but I want to focus on journalism too if possible. I'm super passionate about Model United Nations, of which I am now president (yay!), and the environment. I'm a very happy, enthusiastic person who loves pickles and twizzlers and brightly-colored nailpolish and long dangly earrings, among other things. Her Campus is my favourite website and I'm so excited to be a part of Pitt's campus chapter!
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt